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My friend asked me "How come sometimes the Game Grumps say 'oh this is a bad one' the instant that they first move their character?" and I booted up this game and gave her the controller. She walked, jumped, slashed, and said "Oh, I get it now."

The voice acting goes from alright to insufferable depending on whether Musashi is speaking. He's got the same VA and delivery as Axl from Mega Man X7, and a goofier attitude.
The main gimmick of duping enemy moves is made pointless almost immediately when you get access to a spin attack that does more damage than anything you could spend MP on. Most of the special moves are very slow and short range anyways. It invalidates the heavy attack button too.
Opening a chest sometimes gives you an artifact that you have to go appraise before you can use, which smells of padding.
The shadowy villain team is hyped up to hell and their boss fights are all completely forgettable.
The ending is anticlimactic.
There's not a lot of good things to say about it except:
Art style
Character/creature/mecha designs
Most boss fights are pretty good
Absolutely killer soundtrack
General vibe in most locations (if generic)
Really cool anime opening

Nothing it does wrong is offensive enough to ruin its pretty good presentation. I like this game and can't recommend it.