Just started playing Shmups...I got a lot of catching up to do

Thank you to backloggd user DJSCheddar for suggesting I start my journey of playing these things with the apparently first space shooter to have scrolling and actual levels, wow. Incredible. Big fan of how the bombs move with you while you move so they're a real bitch to aim, funny stuff. Cool as a historical curio and not much else

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023


8 months ago

It's funny how this game and its immediate clones established a bunch of dead-end precedents in the evolution of the genre. Like for a couple years your shooter just had to have collectible fuel and a dedicated bomb button. And then eventually Gradius and a couple others came and ironed that alllllll the heck out

8 months ago

the fuel mechanic funny as hell, more often than not you gotta hit them with a bomb you just have no way to aim in any way