Log Status






Time Played

8h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 28, 2023

Platforms Played


This is an absurd product. I might finish this later out of curiosity/my history with the series, but this is definitely not a good game. Made it to main quest like 19/49 and had enough for now.

Cool Things About this Game:

- Eikon battles are a sort of unique spectacle
- Some good tracks
- Battling feels good and boss fights can be pretty tense
- The Attack on Titan Eikon system in the world

Bad Things About This Game

- Sidequests.
It's beat to death in the reactions to this game but it feels like these were put in as a bet or something. The first quest is literally bringing a piece of wood 20 feet. I was genuinely wondering if it was parody or something. I almost liked them because of how insanely bad they are.

- Dumb haptic stuff
This is not really bad in and of itself but when my controller vibrates after Clive puts an item in his pouch... I dunno it's just so fucking stupid.

- The Game of Thrones for Babies dialogue/tone/story
Game of Thrones is already "Game of Thrones for Babies". This is a level below that and it is real, real fucking bad. The dialogue is abysmal and the tone is just trash-tier grimdark.

- The presentation
Maybe I was hallucinating but the cutscenes look like shit? Half the characters look like shit? They said they mo-capped the English actors but the lips don't sync to the dialogue? Usually I wouldn't give a shit but this is clearly a cinematic game so ya gotta give me a cinematic presentation. I have played three Yakuza games and this looks like trash in comparison.

-Lack of Diversity
Honestly we don't even need to get into the politics here. The immediate problem is you will be looking at the most boring fucking white people you have ever seen outside of the main cast. Even some of them!

- Battle System at large
Three flavors here:
1. Regular enemies: mash button
2. Regular bosses: dodge, heal, mash button with some strategy
3. Eikon: Have fun with the light cinematic presentation and button prompts

#1 is most of the game and boring.
#2 is pretty fun but not especially deep
#3 is cool but absurd. Like we have lightly interactive cinema... I mean... they could have just programmed in some better Kaiju stuff? That's not trivial but if it's gonna be the main point of the game we could make it a bit more engaging.

-Frictionless Main Story Gameplay Progression
I was kinda enjoying my time but I realized it was just because this game is so easy to play. Follow the marker to the red tab, mash buttons, read dialogue, repeat. If boss shows up, mash buttons but be smarter. I could stomach this type of system if the story was super cool. It ain’t!

There’s a lot more!
I found this to be an utterly baffling product. I absolutely hated it at first, then I think I started to like it because of how bad it was… then I started hating it again because of how bad it was.