It's a super cool game. It looks amazing, the sound design and music are incredible, and the scenario (which one can glean from reading the manual) is some good sci fi stuff.

Unfortunately I found four major flaws in the game design that I caused me to put this down after two hours.

1. You restart with only 30 energy. This means you have to grind up for energy each time. (kill enemies, grab pellet, repeat. It takes longer than you want by a lot)

2. Copy/Paste areas. Like straight up copy/paste. You will see a duplicate of a hallway. It's just not cool. I like making my own map but reusing an area wholesale is uninteresting and oppressive.

3. No door invincibility. This one is little but really annoying. You are not invincible while going through doors. Getting hit during a door transition feels really unfair.

4. Seriously antagonistic enemy placement. Walk through a door and get hit immediately... this is not good lol.

The game has a lot of promise and I'll bet there are some rom hacks that make it much more enjoyable. Gonna roll into Metroid 2 next and check out the GB sequel.

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2023
