5 reviews liked by HBSpade

Waited 7 years after being announced, and eventually played it the moment it gets released and localised.

I've been following the SciADV series throughout my entirety of High School, starting with Steins;Gate and eventually falling in love with both Chaos;Head & Child -- visual novels that would make me fall into the rabbit hole of the medium. The many theories spiraling around the series were engaging and wanted me to know more, which Anonymous;Code would deliver while being an overarching narrative to the entirety of SciADV.

What's heartbreaking was that I didn't enjoy it as much compared to the prior titles, emotional-wise. There were many instances of moments that had many stakes at hand, but didn't resonate with me due to how the length and pacing of the narrative felt "fast". Another complaint from readers is the short length of A;C compared to the prior which were about 20+ hours -- the longest being Chaos;Child. The pacing was perfect but it felt more as if it didn't know how to approach its overarching narrative while building upon a new story, that being A;C. Despite the theories spiraling around SciADV being resolved and explained in A;C, it's more satisfying compared to how MGS4 would tackle a certain overarching narrative. Regarding the narrative, the characters didn't feel as memorable despite being the main motivation for the narrative to be driven forward -- with our main trio of characters being more memorable and the motivation of the 'antagonist' feeling lackluster.

A bit disappointed that I was not fond of it as much compared to some of my SciADV mutuals, regarding it as superior to Chaos;Child though it's probably because I expected more from this. It doesn't fail to impress since it without a doubt has a high production value with its presentation, animation, transitions from visual novel UI to manga panels (done by the amazing Haruhisa Nakata, who worked on Levius!), Takeshi Abo's score and sound design, and the amazing direction with A;C.

At least this was better than Robotics;Notes DaSH.

it's impressive how BLAME's architecture can inspire a game, let alone capture the horrific atmosphere and indirectly the audience that they should quit the game and do something else. such an impressive game, and pushes the medium forward in an artistic way.

would recommend the game since it's free on Steam, and to not get stuck at an Endless Stairs loop for 10 minutes like I did.

we waited 18 years to get an explanation of why Leon says "where's everybody going? bingo?" LMAOOOO
but joking aside, this was a very fun remake -- bringing some life changes to a newer generation and looks gorgeous with the RE engine. kind of wished the laser room appeared in the Remake along with the iconic one-liners (even though there were some great new ones lol)

my world was completely Carlos-less until I played this
the funniest yet goofiest Remake ever LMAO

a game that will convert you into a Yakuza member and as Mr Libido, and a game that converts you into a real gamer (have yet to play a FromSoftware game)
my goodness, Yakuza really seems like the Jojo of video games