Colours does not work
the fundementals from sonic unleashed, a fast paced and reaction time based game where the goal is to play as fast as possible with optimised execution
and you put these mechanics and controls and put them in a slow, block puzzle platformer With occasional fast bits that have mechanical depth of nothing as they are just empty roadd where you boost or drift with nothing else going on or automated.
The game is consistently going against sonics speedier nature compared to other series with having design not build for this mentality and moveset, the majority of level gimmicks and wisp mechanics it has are so poorly executed and shalllow as they are either automated, too short to fully be utelized or handholds you . There are wisps like frenzy that just go forward and destroyes everything in the path, that is totally not redundant because sonic doesnt have that same ability in this game
Or laser, which has a depth of "aim this thing for a second" and off you go". all other wisps besides maybe drill don't have any actual clever usage or depth beyond them and act as more just keys to overcome obstacles instead of powerups that enhance sonics natural movepool and level design where you don't figure out anything for yourself as it just tells you ''use it here to continue''
most levels are shallow, short as hell and lack actual clever design or are just contradict the boosts main purpose from the yellow springs in starlight carnival, aqarium park and asteroids coasters, the switches to move lasers in sweet mountain, asteroids coasters and aquarium park, the game suffers from automation to an insane degree starlight carnival act is a 5 minute level where 2 minutes are automated, terminal velocity has less depth than sonic dash, the bosses are pathetic and can be beaten in less than a minute and just repeats themself twice, the game is padded beyond relief cutting 2 acts into 6 to give the illusion of extra content

A massive improvement over kiwami 1 in most ways except combat. The story is engaging the entire way through with a bit of a messy ending. Kiryus character is on point here from his rivalry with Ryuji thats well build up from the start to finish with a lot of tension and his love story with Kaoru which is really sweet are far more fleshed out than anything 1 did with the side cast surrounding Kiryu. The combat however is downgraded from Kiwami 1 due to being based on yakuza 6's combat which is a downgrade from 0's. The lack of styles and less heat moves and variety in em. However but due to the better story, graphics, side content and music it makes yakuza 2 better than the first yakuza in both kiwami and PS2 form

it's just okay. This game is a remake of the original yakuza for PS2. as a remake i'd say this game succeeds in how faithful it is to the original from the cutscene and map recreation while adding cutscenes that work of the recontexualization yakuza 0 brought up on along side the newer side stuff + updated gameplay from 0. The problem? The games pacing. The story just dissappears starting chapter 5 all the way up to chapter 10 the middle of this game has nothing to do with any of the setup from the opening chapters and the climax of the rivalry from Kiryu and Nishiki. It is borderline filler from wasting time with the flourist son, Date's daughter and the coloured enemies.