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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 7, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Played within Atari 50:

This game combines 4 different Vector styled games into a fun action packed ride that honestly is just a treat to play though.
Each section is broken down as follows:

1 - Asteroids - Asteroids
2 - Lunar Lander - the controls here feel a lot more stable and actually controllable compared to the original.
3 - Solaris/Major Havoc (Space ship parts) - The game is fast paced sort of like Solaris, but has the aspect of shooting and avoiding obstacles like Major Havoc. There could be other games inspired for this 3rd section but these are the first 2 that come to mind.
4. Tempest - Tempest was already amazing so having it hear was a no brainer.

There's alot of trial and error but, it's a great inclusion in the Atari Reimagined line up I'll gladly play again.