Princess Peach Showtime is the long awaited second game for the beloved Nintendo Princess.


The game is a simple story about Princess Peach visiting the Sparkle Theater to take part in the amazing plays only for the evil Madam Grape to take over the entire theater. Peach with her new friend Stella must work together to restore all the plays to how they rightfully should be.

The game plays in a 2D perspective, in the sense that you never really go 3D at all except say for the lobby of the Theater when going through different stages.
There are a total of 6 Floors in the entire game with the primary 5 floors having 4 stages on each floor, and the basement containing 10 Sparklas Stages.
The Theets are these big nosed characters that help Peach on her way throughout the different stages that focus on different transformations for Peach. Within Each Stage there are these Sparkle Gem hidden throughout the levels that you must collect for the sake of being able to fight the bosses later, and for the finale. Also located in each stage (apart from boss stages) is a hidden Ribbon Theet you must find and rescue for a reward with a new Ribbon pattern.
Ribbon patterns are what allow you to customize both Peach's dress and Stella's ribbo colors and pattern.


Peach has a total of 12 transformations in the entire game, though the final 2 are saved for the finale.
These transformations being:

1. Swordfighter Peach 🗡️ - Princess Peach becomes a musketeer and uses simple stabs and upward slashes to defeat enemies.

2. Detective Peach 🕵🏼‍♀️ - Princess Peach becomes a detective similar to Sherlock Holmes who can interrogiate and detect hidden out of place objects.

3. Patissiere Peach 🍰 - Princess Peach becomes a Pastry Chef without any unique moves except mostly partaking in cooking mini games that include adding frosting and decorations to giant cakes and creating amazing amounts of cookies.

4. Kung Fu Peach 🥋 - Peach becomes a beautiful Kung fu Shifu that uses kicks and blocks to face against evil Kung Fu Sour Bunch Kung fu Master.

5. Ninja Peach 🥷 - Peach becomes a Kunoichi where she uses secrecy and being hidden and moving quickly to quickly asssinate enemies along with being able to wall run and wall jump fast.

6. Cowgirl Peach 🤠 - Peach becomes a beautiful ruff rider that is able to use her Lasso to take grab and throw enemies.

7. Figure Skater Peach ⛸️ - Princess Peach Becomes a figure skater who's able to do dazzling twirls as an iceskater as well as amazing leaps in the air.

8. Dashing Thief Peach 🦸🏼‍♀️ - Peach becomes a Phantom Thief like Arsène Lupin and is able to use a grappling hack along with hacking different devices and stunning enemies to make a quick escape. She also during some segments uses a glider to make her escape.

9. Mermaid Peach 🧜🏼‍♀️ - Peach Becomes a beautiful singing Mermaid and uses her powerful voice to control fish of varying sizes.

10. Mighty Peach 🤖 - Peach becomes a Robot Master from Megaman and is able to punch electrical blasts and lift heavy objects with ease. During some segments she even has a jetpack.

11. RADIANT PEACH 💫 - During the final battle Peach obtains a beautiful aqua colored Shiny Dress that is a fusion of all transformations and makes Peach fly around the arena shooting barriages of Sparkle Gem Energy at Madam Grape until she is defeated.

12. SUPER RADIANT PEACH 🌌 - During the true final boss after having collected all SPARKLE GEMS, Peach faces off against Madam Grape 1 final time after Grape destroys the Sparkle Theater. Peach uses all the energy from all the Theets, Sparklas, Sparkle Gems, and Stella to obtain an even more powerful and beautiful super form. This new form does the same in terms of allowing Peach to fly around in the sky but stead of firing mini shots of energy at Madam Grape, here Peach fires full on Ki Blast Cannons/Lasers at Madam Grape. Until Peach decides to fly directly into Grape dealing the killing blow by charging into Madam Grape with all her power similar to Super Sonic.


The game has 3 stages per transformation, with the first stage for each being an introduction to the transformation, the second stage now having you be familarized with the transformation, and the final Stella stage having you master it. I personally thing the game should have made the transformations switchable and have the stages be bigger and more unique instead of relying on themes, especially since some transformations are certainly better that others and actually do things.

There's and ingame shop where you can buy new dress and ribbon patterns for Peach and Stella, that go along with the ones you have collected in the game via the Theets.


Honestly as amazing as the finale is with RADIANT & SUPER RADIANT PEACH, a big issue Princess Peach Showtime Suffers from is scriptedness, I think levels are to scripted to where it's almost hand holding you 90% of the time, and unlike say games like Super Mario 3D World or Kirby and the Forgotten land, the game is very linear and tight in it's approach that every level is just scripted and there's never a up.
The bosses for the most part are fine however a bit too easy. The game in general can be classified as "easy and handholding" which is weird how the ideas here are way more expanded than say Super Princess Peach with the Vibe/Emotional Spectrum, but are shallow in terms of full use.
I would venture to say the original Super Princess Peach is a better game since it cares to continue that openess that normal Mario games had, while Showtime seems to want you to do things 1-to-1 with how the devs want you to play and that just isn't fun after a while. Especially if you need to go back and collect hidden gems you forgot to collect, you can't speed on buy the levels, you're forced to play them in a linear progression and hope you obtain the missing gem, or else you have to restart and try again.


I think this should be a learning experience for Nintendo to do another game in the future for Peach, I really love the overall ideas and I think Nintendo should feel more confident of giving the Princess openiness and freedom for her next game instead of constant hand holding.
I am happy Nintendo gave her a second game, and it ends up giving them the confidence to allow more characters to start receiving spinoffs again. Maybe finally making Nintendo bring back the WARIO LAND Series, or giving Daisy her own game, or Pauline, or Rosalina, or Bowser! I really hope Nintendo don't treat this as a 1-&-done interms of spinoffs for Peach (though I guess 2-&-done since this is her second game)
I really hope Nintendo makes more spinoffs for characters, and I really hope that if they do another Princess Peach game, that they let it be more open like the Mario game. I also hope that the transformations in this game appear as abilities for Peach in the next Smash Bros.


Overall I'll say as a game... it's more so a handholding simulator with occassional gameplay segments. First playthroughs of stand stages are a treat to experience but can be annoying if you missed any gems. Boss fights are fun for the most part and had a lot of effort put into them even if they are easy. The dresses and ribbon colors are cute though you'll barely see the actual designs except in the lobby or the beginning of the first transformation stages. I think the finale is spectcular and really is awesome to play through and makes it sort of worth it for the end. I think the game in general is a great 1-&-Done which is a shame since it doesn't have replayability factor like SUPER PRINCESS PEACH except say for finding the 3 hidden Theets in all levels during the post game, Boss Rush, and 100% the game to obtain the radiant dress pattern that IS NOT WORTH IT.

Overall Esthetically, Presentation, and idea wise the game is beautiful, gameplay wise it's quiet shallow. I think overall if you're a fan of Princess Peach and Mario I'd say Super Princess Peach is the better game because it has replayablility value, but I do think Princess Peach Showtime is a nice 1-&-Done experience. Thanks for reading, and take a bow! :D

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
