I finally played this game, and I have to say. I'm surprised at how unique it is as a spinoff to Killzone, in the sense that it attempts to keep the game consistent with the original Killzone, but if anything it does do a better job at having a more satisfying story in comparison to the first game, though it's a shame since they decided that the storyline for 1 needed to end in a spinoff for PSP instead of properly ending the Attack on Planet Vekta Storyline in the first game, and have liberation be something else, though I guess this game somewhat connects to Killzone 2 so there's that. To put it best, if we're talking general story Killzone 1 is 75% of the Attack on Vekta storyline, Liberation is the other 20%, and Mercanary contains 2 levels that place during Killzone 1 so it would be the remaining 5% of the Attack on Vekta.


The story takes place after the events of Killzone 1, which again... I have to question why they would end the story arcs of the first Killzone in a portable spinoff. Especially because the characters who appear, appear in future games, however 2 characters from Killzone 1 are pretty but M.I.A. after the events of Liberation. Hakha from Killzone 1 doesn't even appear story wise, he's in the multiplayer mode but doesn't do anything cause he's not actually apart of the story. Lugher appears too however now she sports a ponytail. This is her last appearance though as she's not mentioned after this game, there's lore as to what happened to her and Hakha but they never reappear.
Templar and Rico reappear with Templar being the only protagonist you control, however the co-op partner takes control of any characters unlocked.

The story is split into 5 chapters, though I played the PS5 version, so it contains 5 chapters, from what I see based on the trophies, Chapters 1-4 were originally part of the base game for PSP, however 5 was a DLC from the looks of it.

The story is General Armin Metrac under orders of Visari, continues the attack on Vekta after the events of Killzone 1, and essentially Templar is tasked with finding out the secrets of the Helghast as well as taking out General Armin Metrac. You go through the game as templar visiting different locations that look somewhat like locations from the first game, however because this game is a top down perspective, the quality of the graphics isn't as good.
Templar goes through different locations reuniting with Lugher, as well Rico later being captured by General Metrac and the Helghast. This is after an important character named Evelyn (who would reappear in Killzone 2) is captured and tortured by the Helghast along with Rico, however she is rescue by Templar, while Rico is taken to a different location.
Towards the end of Chapter 4, in a artic base, Templar confronts and kills General Armin Metrac in a final fight. In the original PSP version the game ends here, and the 5th chapter was DLC which answers the question of what happened to Rico.
In Chapter 5, Templar and Lugher discover where Rico is, and Templar at first assumes Rico has betrayed Vekta and is working with the Helghast when in reality Rico was looking into the true traitor of the game, that being Dwight Stratson who is a Vektan General that Templar rescues in an earlier part of the story.
Rico and Templar reunite and team up to go an confront Stratson, though the final level has Templar confront Stratson alone.
Stratson uses a giant Exo-Skeleton Mech to fight Templar, but Templar successfully stops him.
Stratson Explains that Vekta needs a strong leader is and that the nukes that the Helghast stole need to be recovered and used against the Helghast, Templar orders the ISA to take him away for court marshalling. The game ends with the ISA successfully repelling the Helghast forces off Vekta, and now plan on taking the fight directly to the Helghast on their own planet. Which sets up the direct connection to Killzone 2.


Gameplay wise, it's simple and fine overall, nothing spectcular, aiming is god awful as the game needs to you remain still to actually aim. You use a variety of weapons that appeared throughout Killzone 1, in terms of regular machine guns, sub guns, shotguns, sniper, minigun that heats up if you use it too long, Rocket launcher. What's cool is they added a weapon that makes it's first appearance in this game, but would again reappear in Killzone 3, that being the jet back. Except here in Killzone Liberation, the jetback flies for longer, in comparison to the Jetpack in 3, that at best floats.
Because I was playing the PS5 version, the controls were just weird, but just the amount of times you'll accidently throw a grenade is ridiculous cause of the button placment.

Also I find it stupid they made SQUARE the shoot button, I get in context for PSP they made it so L and R could do different things and it didn't have joysticks and instead the analog slider so they had to limit aiming to a certain way. This part mostly goes to Sony's laziness of not updating controls for the PS5 version. 1 Big thing the game barely uses even though it SEEMS important, is the order commands. Pretty much you're able to order soldiers and main characters in terms of Rico or Lugher to attack enemies you can't necessarily hit or destroy objects to progress. The game developers either forgot to implement reasons to actually use said commands, or just didn't care to actually flesh it out and make it important cause legit you can go through most of the game, and forget about user commands up until say the second last chapter in chapter 5, that's how little you'll use it.

Going back to the issue with aiming, the fact they made enemies attack from high areas is really annoying. Because you can still hit them but it's really difficult to because the developers made it to where you gun sometimes hits the platform they're on instead of the actual enemy unless you a sniper which occassionally works.
The game also features vehicles to drive including a Tank, a Humvee/Machine Gun Car, and a Airboat with Missles, they all control somewhat fine, turnings a bit weird, but for the most part it's doible. Again the problem with this game is the limited control, I get that for PSP it had a limited amount of buttons, but there's no reason they couldn't updated the PS5 version.


Criticquing then story I think in general the story here is a lot more interesting than the first game, however it's stupid they decided that the true conclusion for the KILLZONE 1 events, end here, instead of in a more proper game. Not to say a spinoff can't end a storyline, just the fact they decided to save a villian for this PSP spinoff that takes place after the events of the first game, as well being the last game for the character Lugher, it's disappointing to say the least. Though at the same time the main villian of chapters 1-4 is pretty much overshadowed by the second in command Cobar who's alot more interesting than Metrac.

I'll be fair, I do think storywise I think it's more satisfying than say Killzone 1 since in Liberation does contain a double villian twist. However it suffers from the same problem as 1, where the villian they highlight on the cover, barely appears up until the end, and even then his other appearances are in cutscenes where he barely says anything, he just happens to be an evil helghast commander. The Dwight Stratson twist was a good one, I like how the developers were trying to show that it's not like 1 side is truly evil and the otherside isn't the Helghast are retaliating against their treatment in the past, but their modern means of revenge are horrible to innocent people. The ISA though is no better, since people like Stratson and Grey (Killzone Mercenary) are just as evil because they want to commit mass genocide to the Helghast instead of finding a different way.


I will say on PS5 it's an easy platnium, I will also say even if the game is short, it does drag on a couple of parts. I especially don't like how the game has collectibles scattered throughout the levels, just for the sake of you collecting them, for the sake of unlocking all weapons for load outs and abilities like faster hacking, or being able to hold more grenades, or Infinite Ammo, but it's pointless because by the time everythings unlocked you already 100% the game, it's not like you're going to replay it, unless you plan on doing so in the future.


To summaries: Story - it's fine better than 1, disappointing since it ends the events of 1 in a portable spinoff.

Gameplay - The fact they kept some of the controls the same is astounding because of how bad they are, it's passable for the PSP version probably, but for the PS5 it's ridiculous they didn't bother updating them a bit.

Characters - Just as bland as in 1 except Templar and Rico are fleshed out though Lugher stays generic;

Villians - Cobar the Second in Command is more interesting as a villian / General Armin Metrac is an animated cardboard moustache twirling villian that's as interesting as watching paint dry / Stratson in terms of story is a good idea as a villian but context to the story it comes out of no where, not saying they couldn't do this twist just it feels like they wanted a twist villian but didn't know who to choose so just went "eh Stratson just for the sake of showing the ISA isn't all good," doesn't mean it was a bad idea just wish it had hints towards it and set ups.


Overall I think you play this if you want to have a more satifying end to the Killzone 1 Attack on Planet Vekta storyline done and also for an easy platnium. I'd still put it below Killzone 1 on the fun factor. I think it's fine for a 1-&-Done.
Do I recommend it? If you care about Killzone's story then yeah, if you don't, I don't think there's an issue with you skipping if you don't care.

Thanks for reading.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
