Gravity rush 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed and well beloved 1st gravity rush.

And while visually the game has had a major improvement, and the controls have been overhauled, I can genuinely say that this game is somehow worse than the 1st. Keep in mind that I really did enjoy the 1st game, and usually for a sequel especially if you come from the PS Vita game that later got a ps4 remaster, then go into the sequel already on the ps4, you except improvements.

I can definitely say that the controls here are somehow worse than the 1st game, in the sense that while Kat is easier to control, For some reason the lock on, cause I guess you can kind of say this game does have a lock on future, is just downright broken. Because just because you were able to lock onto an enemy, and when you gravity kick, it doesn't mean that the attack is actually going to land; that's not because the enemy moves out of the way or anything, it's just because for some random reason the flow of gravity will just knock you into every single thing that isn't the enemy.

The camera is just the most annoying thing in the entire game because it honest-to-God feels like the camera is fighting you throughout the entire game, and I urge you to turn off the motion sensitivity, this is essentially the game making it so the gyro control in your controller can control the camera which is the most annoying thing cause you can end up accidentally aiming somewhere where you don't want it to so I suggest just putting the sensitivity down to 0.

The story is interesting, I guess I can break it down into 3 different parts, parts 1 and 2 are good having to deal with understanding pain, and trying to control the world's one own need is selfish. I believe the characters they introduced in terms of Lisa, Ceici, Yogo, and a few others are good. Raven is always great to see as always.

Sadly most of the characters who returned from the 1st game don't really play much of an impact, up until the end but even then I guess you can say that the 1st game did that but it's kind of a shame because they could have played a bigger part.

Challenges here are actually more fun as even though some of the gold medals are hard to get, they are at the very least achievable and it feels like you can actually realistically get them and doesn't feel like the game is going too crazy with what it demands to get said gold like in the first. It's actually an improvement over the 1st game's challenges.

What I can say is the side missions are downright horrible I cannot remember a single one except for the 1 where you have to take an old man to different spots throughout the town and later Kat sings a song that reminds the old man of his which was a really touching moment.

Another one I could probably mention is the asshole father, Who essentially doesn't want his daughter to date somebody who's poor and in the 1st mission you meet him in hes an absolute jackass and unlikable.
In the 2nd mission with this jackass, the boyfriend defends the father, and he does accept the boy to date his daughter, it doesn't make him any less of a jackass for how he acts.

Also I don't like how after everything that happened in the 1st game, the city still treats Kat like shit.
And I get it, after time passes people tend to forget big moments.

Like for example if there was a war going on in real life right now, and let's say we won the war - Like yeah it's amazing right now (in terms of when it's finally over) but in like the far future, it probably wouldn't mean much to people in said future, but considering I think this barely a 3 year gap, it makes it seem like the town is full of entitled asshats.

I think the addition of the new location was always nice, however as soon as they brought back the old city from the 1st game, the new city kind of just lags behind and you kind of just realize that the game both in the 2nd half and last half are mainly just set in the 1st game's city... kind of making it seem like that new area was both established to be its own thing, but I guess the developers didn't like it, but I personally did.

The game has a lot of awful missions, especially the biggest issue which everybody has probably been pointing out, that being the stealth missions and having to follow some random jackass to one location either take a picture, or eavesdrop on them. It literally is just a waste of time and feels like a chore.

I can say that the story is good in my opinion, you're not going to like the controls of the sequel, you'll actually somehow be shocked how much worse the sequels controls are compared to the 1st games, but the story itself is not so much more an improvement... but more so a continuation of the first game's story to both fill in gaps and answer questions with a new menace. The overarching story tied in both games was great.

Before I get to the endings though, let me just say that I played The Raven DLC after finishing the game and getting the true ending, I will say that Raven's DLC seemed sort of like a retconning and changing of timelines just because the developers has no clue what the hell to do with the kids on the ark and Zaza (Raven's/Sachya's brother).

In terms of story, they do a good job with Raven's DLC, so that even if you do have an issue with it at the very least, it's a good way to kind of close the book on that left question from the previous game, I also appreciate that the 3rd part of Gravity Rush 2 addresses the questions from the previous games flashbacks.

I will definitely say that in terms of design, the bosses look amazing, they're just not fun to fight against.

Now obviously there's doesn't apply to all bosses, I think the 1v1 fights Against enemies that are similar to that of the gravity powers like for example you fight a mind-controlled Raven, you fight one of the last bosses who's like this electricity girl named Elektricitie, you fight Kali who's this angel type girl; Those fights are fun because you have the open area to fight in and you're not in a tight space area to fight a singular boss who just happens to be giant.

Now this wouldn't be an issue however the final bosses in both part 2 and the final part, even though they're in the city and the city has an opened area, where you fight them, they only remain in THAT AREA, so the camera has issues again. The final boss is actually really cool, it sort of reminds me of one of the demons from Doom.

Gravity Rush 2 has a good story that I think everybody should check out, however the biggest issue for me with this game apart from the controls that are somehow worse than the 1st, is my biggest issue is the game feels like a chore to play.

If your game feels like something where I have to motivate myself in order to play it because you're not giving me things that are cool to motivate me to want to play it, and I'm only continuing it just because I know that when I finish it I'll probably never play it again... that shows that you should have made your game play more fun and less time consuming.

So overall I can't say it's better than the 1st game, the story is really good, but everything else from the game play to the side missions, so even the regular missions that aren't boss fights that are one 1v1, is just a chore.

I recommend for the story, not so much the game play, so I just honestly suggest watching the story online.

I do hope one day that Gravity Rush 3 comes out and they improve and actually fix a lot of the issues that 2 has.

Thanks for reading!

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2022

1 Comment

slitterhead looks epic