Atomic Heart is an interesting specimen when it becomes to being a game with controversy, but is very unwarranted for it being so.
Those who haven't played this game will claim this game is propaganda for communism, when it's anything but, so much so the entire game makes fun of how unfair and unbalanced communism is.

Atomic Heart takes place in the Soviet Union during 1955, in FACILITY 3826 where the area was experimenting with a new polymer and build helpful robots that were made for civilian usage.
However what happens later is that the protagonist, P-3 (Sergey), while exploring the floating city meets with his boss Sechenov who has bangable TWIN ROBOTS, who while appearing in all the promotional material, have like 2 or 3 important scenes, and have somewhat relevance to the plot.
Surgey is later taken to down to Earth via flying car but is shot down by OWLS ROBOTS, and ends up stranded in the barren and destroyed Facility 3826 overrun with deadly robots who activated "COMBAT MODE".
Surgey has his interesting taking glove named "CHAR-les" who's an intelligent artificial A.I. that helps Surgey on his adventure to stop Kollectiv 2.0 and the crazy robots.
Surgey meets with Baba Zina (Grandmother Zina in English Subs) who tells him that the robots started going crazy and killing people, and a giant robot called a BEYLASH attacks both of them, and Sergey falls into an elevator down to the bottom of a testing facility.

Here is where I can break down the game into 2 Parts, Part 1 being this specific facility with a more linear and bioshock-esk approach to level design, with Part 2 taking a more outside, open world approach.

So Part 1 has Surgey explore this underground facility looking for a way out, he encounters several robots such as "VOV-A" Units (These robots with Stalin moustaches), Pchela (these flying turrets), Dandelion cameras, mutant plant humanoids, mother sprout plants, flying sprout plants, Owl turrets for this specific underground part of the game.
There is no boss fight in this entire part. However he meets with Larisa, who saves his life from an explosion but shortly leaves after a Black suited 'VOV-A" with a lazer face appears to attack both of them.

You meet with a horny vending machine who is really erotic and is funny, here you're able to obtain different weapons, like pistols, machine guns, shotguns, and melee weapons that can be crafted only if you have said blueprint for said weapons. Most weapons can be found within this first part of the game, however the rest are found within these (Optional) underground facilities known as POLYGONS (in the game there's stated to be 8, but in the trophies, they say there are 10) [We'll discuss the trophies/achievements being broken]

You get through the first part of the game doing several different convoluted things of getting different items to open doors in the first section.
During Part 2's open world portion you will encounter more enemies such as mutants of different variants that have fire, ice, and electricity mutations. You will also encounter Laborer robots (robots with giant buzz saws), Engineers [fat robots with hoses on their faces who aren't hostile unless provoked), and missile bots.
In this part you will also encounter a rare yet deadly miniboss called, "Plyusch" which is like this organic humanoid that has tenticles and is covered in blood, it's an artificial life form created with different combinations of animal, and human internals mixed with the polymer.

You meet what you think is the main antagonist of the game, but if anything is just an antagonist, named Viktor Petrov who was blamed for activating the robots in combat mode.

During the second part of the game you have a more open free roam area to explore, that have the Polygon you are able to access in order to get more weapon parts, but if you don't care to do so you can continue with the story and encounter the first boss, which is the HEDGIE, which is sort of like a mini-omni droid from incredibles, this boss fight is extremely fun and I had a blast with it.

The game has Sergey chasing after Petrov under the orders of Sechenov, only to later learn the truth that someone activated the combat mode for the robots. Viktor asks Sergey to think about why "CIVILIAN" robots would have a COMBAT MODE, only to die shortly after and reveal shortly after a giant robot boss named NATASHA, who was absolutely, positively not created for Civilian purposes, but designed to kill.

Sergey meets with Larisa after Petrov's death to show him what Sechnov's plan is with Kollectiv and the polymer. Throughout the game Sergey enters this area/fake world called "LIMBO" which happens usually in crucial moments where Sergey's mind goes blank. We learn that Sechnov wants to use Kollectiv to cause the Soviet Union people to be used as soldiers as we finally know why the robots have combat modes.
Throughout the game we learn that the Soviet Union is selling robots to the United States in order to have the economy grow, and maintain a great relationship. However the problem is that obviously the Soviet Union and the United States hated eachother for their different governments of Communism vs Capitalism, so they sent the robots as a peace offering and for commercial usage in the US, however the plan is that they will later activate to have mass killings throughout the US by activating combat mode.

Sergey also learns that the reason throughout the game he's very rude and witty, and has negative reactions to things is because after WW2, he was essentially left without his left side of his brain, he was barely brought back because of the robotics within his brain, which is why he's randomly taken to LIMBO. We also learn that Zakharov is actually the CHAR-les A.I. Glove who was screwed over and killed by Sechenov. We finally learn that the twin robots are physical copies of Segery's wife, but they don't contain her soul/memories, so they act like robots. (Which I feel like was done because if they do DLC/a Sequel they're 100% let you fuck one of the robots, and most likely it will be RIGHT [jacket robot])

Sergey is taken back to the floating city after being sent to LIMBO again and accidently kills Larisa because when Sergey is sent to Limbo he goes on a rampage and kills everything in site.
When back on the floating city, he meets with BABA ZINA, who we learn is actually Sergey's mother-in-law and she asks him to save his wife/her daughter from that torment.
Here Sergey has a decision to say "fuck it I'm out" and kills Charles, and leaves the Soviet Union (this is clearly the noncanon ending, but is considered the good ending).
The other decision is to confront Sechenov in his office against the Twins. Sergey shares a heart to heart, silent moment with one of the Twins [RIGHT, the one without a jacket] who seems to question it's programming for a sec by letting out this ear piercing female scream.
We fight the twins once again at the top of the building, and defeat both of them. Sergey shoots Sechenov, and the truth is revealed to us that CHAR-les/Zakharov was the one to activate combat mode, and is also this humanoid polymer dude who was planning on destroying humanity because he saw the polymer and robots as the future of humanity. Sergey is seemingly put into a coma and sent into LIMBO, as the physcial polymer humanoid Zakharov kills Sechenov.

Sergey awakens in Limbo and hears his wife's voice, and see's one of the TWIN Robots, LEFT [specifically the yellow jacket Twin] calling out to Sergey, reaching out to him. This implying that her soul (which was represented by this gelatinous floating blob) and representation of her physical self have combined once again. After Sergey reaches out and grabs her hand, the game cuts to black.

This game will have DLC, which most likely will take place after the base vanilla game's bad ending. Where I believe the main villain will be Zakharov, and with the help of Sergey's wife, Katya in the body OF LEFT [Yellow Jacket Twin] both will take down and stop what essentially amounts to ROBOT HITLER/STALIN.
And if they do go this route, considering how thirsty fans are for the twins, 100% they'll probably have a cutscene where Sergey bangs his robot wife in the DLC, since they might as well capitalize on that horniness in the DLC.

Standard fps, bioshock survival game, where you have different weapons you can use to defend yourself.
Weapons include (I'm not going to break down the names, more so just say the weapons included):

- Pistol
- EMP Pistol
- AK-47 type Machine gun
- Pump Shotgun
- Rocket Launcher
- Rail Gun
- Plasma Blaster
- Axe
- Buzzsaw Bat
- Rusted Metal Sword
- Drill Bat

All of these weapons feel unique and fun to play with, but for the most part you'll be using your melee weapons as conserving ammo is important, especially when having to deal with bosses.
Gunplay itself is very good and fun to play with, it essentially plays like a standard fps in terms of the gunplay.

Your glove CHAR-les acts as a skill tree that allows you to use different abilities such as Freezing, Electricity, telekinesis, Polymer Shield, and polymer blast (this one is used for solving puzzles within the Polygons, but can be used with other abilities to do combo attacks, though you'll rarely use this polymer ability).

The game has the open world sections which is nice to explore, and you can even drive vehicles, however it's pretty dumb that the DEV team didn't think to include other vehicles of different varieties in terms of ground vehicles. Also it's very dumb the only cars you can drive are RED CARDs, because as we all know, EVERY HUMAN OWNS A RED CAR apparently, so that's dumb.

The Polygons are essentially 8 recycled areas that have different puzzles to solve, but with the same rewards in terms of opening BRONZE, SILVER, and GOLD Chests which contain different weapon parts. In terms of Puzzles they're fun, but at the same time, the facilities these take place in have a bit of dissonance to the overall environment as you have to think about how "this is a facility/testing area, why would scientist use such a convolutedly built facility to test things out."

The Boss fights are fun as hell, they're seriously some of the best parts of the game, as each boss is uniquely different and each have their quirks that make them difficult to take down.

The characters themselves I will say are ok at best, however I do appreciate that for the protagonist of Sergey, that they explain why he's such an asshole during the beginning half of ATOMIC HEART.
As of course we learned half of his brain his missing, his LEFT BRAIN (which is all about logic), however he only has his right brain, which focuses one emotion. It's one of the reasons that logically, it takes longer for Sergey to understand something, and he usually ends up not doing so because mentally HE LITERALLY CAN'T which is why he gets emotionally angry.
Sechenov is a interesting antagonist, as we know he's not actually the main villain but doesn't really do anything to not make himself an asshole, he still attempts to have Sergey killed, and while it was when Sergey was planning on killing him, I find it strange he never attempted to contact Sergey before hand to tell him what happened.
CHAR-les/Zakharov being the main villain good twist as we just assume that he's an A.I. who wasn't effected. However even if you saw it from a mile away, the way they do it is by subverting expectations. You think it's just a rogue A.I. but we see that it's not an A.I. at all but a sentient polymer that was split into 2 parts for Zakharov, his mental/soul self which is the grey metallic polymer pretending to be a glove A.I., and his physical polymer body, which is a red fat, tentacled body, which combine.
Viktor Petrov is a strange, tragic character who for the most part comes across as an emotional cry baby, but has good intentions, but goes insane after Larisa breaks up with him and she finds out that he did activate a couple of bots, but is not at fault for the entire mass execution of Soviet people.
Larisa is another character who isn't really likable in the sense of, she's there for exposition if anything, and the only character she does show is that of a brainwash soviet scientist who believed in all of the things being created and tested at Facility 3826, to a rebel wanting to stop the harm and destruction of humanity. She's also tragic since she did plan on helping Sergey confront Sechenov, however she is killed as Sergey mentally entered LIMBO again, but his physically body brutally murdered her.
Baba Zina is a great character, coming across as caring, and funny, but also knows more than she lets off in terms of the Soviet Government, and her connection to Sergey and Katya.

The Twins have no character in terms that they are just physical copies of Katya in terms of her skills as a Ballerina. Katya is heard throughout LIMBO watching Sergey. I feel like her story will be expanded upon in the DLC with her perhaps gaining a physical form in terms of LEFT [YELLOW JACKET TWIN] being the body she uses, as the TWINS were never destroyed, just deactivated. And at the end of the true ending, we see that she takes the form of LEFT.

The game has a lot of bugs in terms of sometimes falling can result in endless falling and being stuck inside rocky areas, and vehicles, and walls that require you to reload a previous save, and/or quit to menu in order to make sure not to do that again.
The biggest issue is the TROPHIES/ACHIEVEMENT that are straight up broken. You might notice that some of the trophies/achievements (AS OF WRITING THIS) have 0.00% of people who have obtain them because some of the trophies don't work. Simple trophies like Killing 20 enemies by running them over, Shoot 3 enemies with a single rail gun shot, collect all apples in LIMBO, create all consumable items, don't work.

In terms of how they don't work, the counters for the trophies/achievements were never turned on correctly, so 20 Vehicle Kills and 3 in 1 Rail Guns don't work, but in terms of the others I mentioned they accidently added more requirements for the trophies.

For the "CREATE ALL CONSUMABLE" Trophy/achievement, it says you need to create 8 different consumables... there are only 6 in the game.
For the LIMBO APPLES, the trophy says 114, there are only 99.

This part is the only part I can say is unacceptable, and is pathetic on behave of the team.

Regardless I enjoyed my time with ATOMIC HEART, it doesn't warrent the controversy it got, as even though there are tensions with RUSSIA in the world right now, the developers are Russians who don't support the Russian Government's actions. Also this game makes fun of the propaganda of communism and reveals the truth about it.

The story is good for the most part, the gameplay is fun, the characters range from Garbage to Meh to Great, the TWISTS in the game are really good, and overall I found myself enjoying my time with it. I will say though, I DO NOT RECOMMEND PLAYING WITH ENGLISH VOICES. The english voice for Sergey is unbareable, and the game works so much better with Russian voices. I recommend if you're going to play ATOMIC HEART, do it with RUSSIAN VOICES.

I hope the DLC continues the story and has Katya help in some way, like I said, having her appear as LEFT would be great.
Also I want to see how the story fully ends in terms of the DLC.

I do think though they committed a cardinal sin though with having the DLC focusing more on the story in terms of the true ending. What I mean by cardinal sin is they essentially did what Capcom with Asuras Wrath story, where the final episodes of the true antagonist, the 3 extra/final episodes, and the true ending were locked behind DLC. I don't like the fact that it seems that's what the DEVs did here. But who knows maybe the DLC has nothing to do with what happens in terms of the active story, and takes place at a different time. Maybe the story I'm thinking of Sergey and Katya (in LEFT TWIN Body) stopping Zakharov from killing humanity, is being saved for a sequel instead, we'll see.

I would recommend ATOMIC HEART, but wait a couple of weeks when the patches are implemented, still I enjoyed my time with it, the bugs are a big deal, so I can't give it more or less than 3.5 stars.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023
