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Fantastic game with a really nice and welcoming community
This is one of the best stories, so far, that I have ever played in a game. I am putting this on par with AAA single player games as well. This expansion, all by itself, stands on its own but with the foundations set by the past 5 years, it is even better. The music is some of the best I have heard in a video game. The story is amazing and well written. It is like finding a good book that you just can't put down. The world is absolutely gorgeous and filled with life and adventure. The player base is amazing

Just WOW! Admittedly it took me more than five attempts to really get into this epic game, but once I did I was obsessed. It is initially a dark and dreary place to be. There are so many varied dark little corners in this game waiting to be discovered. While initially dipping your toes into this title you may be put you off as I was, but hang in there and you will soon discover a beautifuul unfolding story and environment that will reward you for your persistence. Athough this game is not perfect... it kind of is. Yeah yeah the combat takes getting used to especially if you are playing with mouse and keyboard but it does get easier if you give it some time. Eventually you will get to the end of the game which feels a bit wanting but thats where it gets even better. Blood and wine offers a jarring transition from a dreay, dark and mostly muted palette to a gorgeous vivid new map bursting at the seems with color and life.