The gacha that actually started my interest in the genre after genshin failed to do so. You can simply grind the unit in the weekly dungeon if you're very unlucky, the pull rates are good, no dupe system nor weapons, Very friendly to low spenders and f2p cuz there's nothing to whale for.

Can't say i enjoyed it all that much but the plot was alright, the gacha rates are pretty good (even though you NEED duplicates ffs) and the rewards are pretty good. If you see it and it reminds you of cool old games, try iy out, i don't have the same nostalgia.

Like old assassins creed but a bit more in depth, very pretty but i don't vibe with it all that much.

It's a gacha rate with, as per usual, pretty awful pull rates but if you play mihoyo stuff, it's basically the same. The story sucks ass at the beginning but gets aight by the midpoint, stayed for the combat, it's kino, and collecting chests activates something in my brain.

Legitimately one of the few games to ever make me cry. Hard recommend.

A charming little thing, very rough around the edges but i vibed with it quite a lot, was pretty camp and i loved that about it

An alright rpgmaker game but is required to understand a far better second one


Stanley parabel if stanley was an anime girl... and the narrator less funny

All decks are so similar it kills my enjoyment
Also each run is like 7 hours long

Like stardew valley but worse in most aspects

Great game but i get stuck in the perfectionist loop until i get severely burnt out on the game

Amazing presentation and gameplay, very "is aight ig" story

Amazing game up until the last part, then it becomes VERY dull

I want to vomit playing it, the game's good tho