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1 day

Last played

May 20, 2021

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A very Myst influenced game, where you seek 4 artifacts through different eras that two different rival teams are looking for and you can either side with one of the two or betray both(sounds familiar?). Honestly I don't think they achieved their goal feel of "uncovering the hidden truth" and whatnot with the story, the plot needed more development, its like they were too afraid of trying anything that the original Myst hadn't done, so you don't get a lot of narrative. And it doesn't help that is very hard to understand what the characters are saying (and like most games of this era there are no subtitles).

Where the game truly excels at is in its set pieces, they are beautiful and haunting environments, plus there are some amazing designs for the alien creatures. The puzzles work for the most part, some are very fun and imaginative challenges, others can be a bit too cryptic or confusing, its certainly nowhere near the perfect balance the original Myst had.