I hope when i die at a ripe old age, i too turn into a dusty whirlwind and blow away after one of my relatives punches me a bit.

I really love this thing. There are a few similar to this that never left japan with this gameplay style. There's two that gamecentre CX played. But i think this is the only one that made it to the west.

I really hope there's an indie developer out there that tries to recapture the feel of this, a JRPG quiz game. A real blast to play with friends.

Played this on the capcom classics collection on ps2.

You can play as Menos Grande what's not to love

The absolute low point of this series.

I don't think any other entry is worse. DW1 is a respectable fighting game, and even DW2 had different move sets for many characters.

This one has the awful Renbu system, the cloned movesets, less characters, less story, no new characters.

But i think the biggest damage done, was to the enemies. And this is a problem that's still plaguing the series. Pre DW6, enemies in musou games were effectively using the same tools you had, but they had worse stats/health etc. They could use the same branching combos, and behaved the same no matter if you were fighting a no-named private or a big named general. They actually could score hits on you, and try to block.

DW6 turned enemy troops into essentially just filler. They are basically useless, and are just there to populate the screen. DW games now are just a series of fights with officers, and some travel in-between. The actual soldiers may as well not be there.

The inferior sequel to lost in time. It's probably better with a 2nd player, and visually pretty good for the ps1.

But it's lost the charm of lost in time, the tight gameplay, the straightforward warp-room/level set up. It's now an awkward mid point between crash bandicoot and spyro.

Instead of collecting like 12 clocks, you're collecting 500 fucking gears, dragging taz with you everywhere so you can sporadically use his abilities once every half hour.

It doesn't really capture the old cartoons the way lost in time did either, the new levels are just these vast, dead spaces with nothing interesting to look at.

Playing bugs and taz time busters really made me appreciate this one a whole lot more.

All the characters are essentially the same, everyone has the same spell selections to choose from.

Doesn't really compare to lego star wars/batman etc. where there's classes of characters, that keep things fresh.

Visually it's fine, all the lego games look fine and do a good job of getting the atmosphere and feel of their properties right. But with this one? It's just boring using the same wand based stuff over and over.

Also, fuck JKR

My dad had this on a copied floppy disc when i was growing up. Saw no one had reviewed or really marked it as played, so i felt i needed to honor it a little. I really like the music, and the name in general. You rise up to heaven as a spirit when you die.

Probably the weakest DWG game, it takes away the structured story and recreation of the various TV shows etc, and replaces it with a original story that feels lacking compared to what DWG1 did.

But the biggest problem is how the battles/stages work now. Instead of cool set pieces and events, the levels are just these generic, quick things that feel way too easy at times. They really remind me of the Koei Empires spin offs, but not in a good way. In that all battles are sort of interchangeable and lack any distinct features. But the difference in the empires games is the vast selection of characters and faction mashups, here it's a set, designed story that you cannot alter, but it still features the same generic levels and maps.

I've beaten the first 2 and Reborn, but this one i couldn't see through to the end, it's just too damn boring.

How this has so many 5 star ratings is beyond me. I liked it the first time round, but on revisiting, so much of the immediate flash of the story and presentation dissipates.

The game's a massive step down, it's much more linear, less levels, less content in general. Loads of repeating shitty military levels where you help the repeating green robot dudes to fight the repeating googly eyed aliens, that are just the blandest shit possible.

The first and second game would have these great, branching levels that gave you all these routes to try, levels where essentially several levels in one. In this, all that's pretty much gone.

I'm begging you all to play 1 2 and 3 again, and really pay attention to how much more basic this is.

All digimon games going forward should be like this. I genuinely preferred this to any of the recent pokemon games.

As a fan of the originals, and someone who played them when they came out, i was really happy with this remake, there was some initial teething problems with how certain platforming sections were, and really subtle things with jump distances etc.

But honestly these things fade away when you spend more time on this, i barely notice it at all now. And what you have once you get past it, is a beautiful remake, every detail captured, great OST.

I wish they'd got Clancy Brown back tho

Best looking game on PS4, hands down.

This is just pure comfy, one of the most chill games ever. Easily my favorite PS4 title.

The most boring musou game i've ever played. Just a truly tiring experience.

Just play 3 ultimate.

Features a character create where you can make wrestlers invisible, or specific body parts/accessories invisible. Meaning you can turn Goldberg into Rayman.

Or, my personal favorite: Wrestle as a floating head, or floating pair of sunglasses.

Otherwise the game's a bit shit.