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Herodotus reviewed Indigo Park
As a free demo for a forthcoming game, this is pretty promising. I see reviews on Steam saying this is what FNAF Security Breach should've been, and I get it. This is Security Breach if you stripped out the annoying mechanics, devastating amount of Staff Bots roaming the halls and made it even more dilapidated.

Indigo Park gets a star for atmosphere and design off the bat, with a well-made intro video and a quite convincing take on an abandoned theme park with a dark secret. Mad props for correctly using light sources to indicate the intended path, because far too many titles are drastically overlit nowadays, and I much prefer this method of pathfinding to the ubiquitous yellow paint approach. The detail in the Railroad section and the gift shop outside the park is particularly worth noting. Keyrings and pins on the ground reflect realistically in the light you cast, glimmering properly. However, 3D models are a bit "off" looking, and not really in the "off" looking way you'd expect from a mascot horror game. They don't feel intentionally weird, is what I'm saying.

Second star goes to Rambley himself, who is a mostly self-aware artificial intelligence there to guide you through what's left of the park. Rambley's a cute character, and his interactions with the player and the other remnants of the Park are well-written and not annoying, which is also worth noting as I'm reminded immediately of Tattletail's endless amount of being really sweet and not irritating despite accidentally getting me killed multiple times.

The third star is awarded because you can tell this game is made with love for the project. It ran well, it looked good, it sounded fine, and the Portal-esque credits theme was a really nice touch. It's so important to me that this game feels like the developers really wanted to make it, because parts of Security Breach felt rushed and not particularly well cared for.

There are, of course, issues - the biggest in my mind being that there simply isn't enough to actually "play". This is essentially a walking sim with a spooky theme, a funhouse, which is appropriate for the setting of a theme park. I do love the setting, though, but I'm getting bored of games that boil down to massive areas of nice scenery and plot with no opportunity to explore actual gameplay rather than walking around. You do get a pretty decent chase sequence at the end, and there are collectibles to reward exploration, but this is too short a game to really do anything in.

Anyway, other issues include the aforementioned 3D models looking funky, the very very short length (38 minutes by my count, although my Steam counter is refusing to update past 10), some quite noticeable lighting glitches and the admittedly quite old-fashioned level transitions. Funnily enough, these reminded me of Portal as well - the fade to black and logo appearance is honestly pretty similar to Portal 2's loading screens. But I don't know if that's really an issue: what's better? A loading screen, or a slow corridor section with a bit of stuttering? I'd choose the former anyday.

It shows great promise, and with a bit of polish and extra chapters inbound, this could be a really good addition to a genre that's in sore need of rejuvenation.

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