Log Status






Time Played

8h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 7, 2024

First played

April 3, 2024

Platforms Played


In a lot of areas, this is really impressive. The co-op mechanics and AI are competent and offer a lot of room to craft your own approach, a lot of smaller details are really sick for a 2005 game and the presentation is usually great. For the longest time I mainly knew this from the trailer that was an extra in the 2004 Battlefront, which looked like the coolest yet scariest shit ever to a kid.
It has a more gritty presentation than is typical for Star Wars, both 19 years ago and even today, and it fits quite well considering the whole surrounding it.
I also want to appreciate here how after a abrupt anti-climax, you are treated to the most "early 2000s licensed shooter song" ever. Incredible.
While the gameplay works well and is fun, it also becomes repetetive. Entering the second of three main levels, you have seen everything the game has to offer in terms of enemies. The final main level does not provide anything new, instead just starts to mix the geonosians from the first level into the mix. It led to a situation where I was glad when it ended, even if it could have been sooner. Other issues with the gameplay are sudden insane difficulty spikes from time to time. Especially around the end of the first main level is one section that is cruel, and then the autosave is far behind. I tried this game the first time a couple years ago and in that moment that was so dumb to me I quit.
Still, I don't want to be too harsh to this since it is incredible considering what it is and especially for its time, and if I played this as a kid I would most likely highly adore it.