7 reviews liked by Hievenhade

I don't think I'll ever play another game that's simultaneously this philosophically interesting and this shitposty at the same time

Masterpiece. Pure isolation in which you're forced to mechanistically carry out simple navigation tasks while the ocean of blood you're submerged in makes the most fucking awful noises you've ever heard in your life. The entire thing is largely spent staring at a control panel with your ship's x and y coordinates, intermittently cross referencing these with your shitty little dot matrix printed map so you can hopefully avoid running into walls. Sometimes you get too close to a radioactive anomaly and your vision starts warping. Sometimes there's a loud THUMP that shakes the entire sub and suddenly you're in a completely different position. Sometimes the steam pipes spring a leak or the engine catches fire. Do what you gotta do, but stay focused on what's really important: That control panel and your current x and y coordinates. This is Tunnel Vision: The Game.

absolute janky magic. I genuinely believe all games could be better if they were like 10-20% more like Northern Journey

my fucking god! these bitches gay! good for them! good for them.

Blood is fuel, for my COCK.

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Feel like pure shit just want BT-7274 back x

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mfs be like "where the hoes at" bro you are in the kiln of the first flame and your body is about to be burned down and used as fuel to continue this endless cycle of misery and death made out of pure pettiness and pride because you did not know any better about your circumstances and were used as livestock to keep the gods' sorry joke of a fleeting era going. there are no hoes.