2 reviews liked by HollowMewtwo

God I have such fond memories of playing the original with my dad back in '87 two years before I was born.

They somehow managed to keep everything authentic while running on modern hardware. True game preservation like this needs to become the norm.

This is a beyond-spectacular mod. It brings a classic game into the modern era and, when paired with a 3DS texture mod, currently provides the greatest way to experience this game. It has so many options and settings to screw around with including a bunch of QoL improvements and a randomizer. The most noticeable option is an adjustable framerate that makes the game look so smooth. Without it, the game would be stuck in a chunky 20 fps, which can be fine for older games like this, but it's hard to deny a stable 60 fps looking better. If you want to re-experience Ocarina of Time or especially if you want to play it for the first time, use this mod. Nothing else can really compete, not even Nintendo themselves.