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So I played through all four Arkham games basically back to back last year, and I've got to say that contrary to popular opinion, this is the best one. Graphics on this still hold up today, and there are a lot more, for lack of a better term, cinematic moments in this one. I think a lot of people look down on this one because they didn't like the Batmobile but 1. It's not bad and 2. It's not really required all that much. Also the DLC racetrack for the 1960's Batmobile is one of my favorite bits of the game. Story-wise I can see being disappointed if you're a big comic fan and saw the twist coming a mile away, but as someone who only really experiences Batman through games and movies I loved it. Also the fact that the game has one strong central storyline focused on throughout made me much more invested than the previous games' greatest hits of villains approach, which primarily just served to get me going "Hey, I know that guy!" for a few hours. The whole gimmick of Joker being stuck inside your head the whole game, and never knowing when he's gonna pop up also really adds flavor to traversing Gotham, and also brings in the best setpiece moments in the entire series. Combat is Arkham combat, if you've played the previous three games in the series you know what you're in for and if you'll like it. I definitely feel like people have nostalgia goggles on for Arkham City because it was the more innovative game, bringing Batman into an open world Gotham and doing it well for the first time, but having played these all so close together I say fairly confidently that this game took that formula and improved on it.