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As someone who has played every main series Final Fantasy game minus the MMOs, I was really looking forward to a big crossover FF fighter. Unfortunately the mechanics here are just dull. It's been a while since I've played this but iirc you only get like 6 moves divided into 3 for when you're on the ground and 3 for when you're in the air. There's not a whole lot to the movement either, you're mainly just locking onto something and dashing towards it in a straight line. The story is also not much to think of, basically being a big good vs evil fight. While the novelty of all my favorite Final Fantasy characters interacting was enough for me as a teen, I fear many of these interactions boil down to "What is the biggest most stereotypical trait of this character, let's have them do that." If you're really craving a better Final Fantasy crossover game, and you aren't totally averse to chibi anime style humor, I'd say skip this series and go on over to World of Final Fantasy, which I enjoyed much more.