I have tons of good memories about this shockingly obscure game.

I remember that the amount of times they recycled a track just by making you complete it backwards and shit like that was kind of lame, but the tracks were really cool, and so were the cars and the special powers.

You could also build your own track, nothing fancy, but an interesting experiment.

An extremely troubled project as the co-creator of Mortal Kombat, John Tobias, quit the studio in the middle of production.

I don't remember it being unplayable but it definetly wasn't fun. I got stuck in like the second level because I needed a code to open a door or some shit.

This is the first Megaman I've ever played (Or at least I saw my older cousins play it) so it's the one that I remember more fondly. For some reason the plant lever is scarred in my mind, in a good way. I like that you can pick X or Zero at the start of each level instead of playing the whole ass game as one of them like in X4.

Apparently it's similar to Mario Party, I never knew that as a kid. It's pretty fun to play with friends, the gameplay feels completely different from one minigame to another. On your own is not great but you are not supposed to play it like that. It's also way too hard for a children's game, I never got to complete it, unlike all the other Crash games that I've own.

This is the only game released in 2021 that I've played, hilarious.

I wanted the eye patch guy but you have to wait 15 real life days to unlock him.

Why did I play this, I'm better than this. Maybe.

One of the only games that my whole family likes (Well, the ones that are around my age), so it's a personal favourite and extremely nostalgic.

So many weapons, so many options. If only they added the hats from modern games, it would be perfect.

I never had Armageddon as a kid but it's basically the same game with a few updates, but over the years the developes have updated Armageddon more than this one, so many consider that one better. I'm used to this one and I only play local, so I don't care.

Both me and my friend got stuck pretty quick in that scene where you have to stop a plane, and now I don't have a PS1 so I won't be replaying it. I like the first game though. I like that you can walk on the street in this one as the other one had a plot reason for not being able to (It's a pretty fun idea to lower costs!).

I love the memes about the character's stupid faces. I had fairly good memories about exploring the castle in this game. It was developed before the film came out, so it has some stuff from the book which is nice.

At the time I played it I didn't know that it was so hated. I agree that it lacks innovation, it's basically the 3rd oen again (That was already similar to the 2nd one) and some levels are annoying (Too many water ones), but overall I don't think it's a waste of time, the quality is fairly similar to the original trilogy.


I just finished this, and I have a lot of opinions, including that I really have to stop playing dating simulators, I'm so behind on my studies.

I felt like this was heavily inspired by Dream Daddy. The title alone is a giveaway, but also the whole structure and story (Moving into a new town, an intro where you meet everybody, and then choosing dates with each guy), the wholesomeness, and the minigames. But it also includes the +18 scenes that we all want, like Coming Out On Top.

There's definetly a ton to praise. The amount of content it has for a dating sim is huge, so many drawings, so much dialogue. There's 12 guys to choose from, with 10 dates each, which is a ton for the genre. There's also a ton of lore and interpersonal relationships between the boys, which sparked the interest of fans. I went on at least 1 date with each guy but I always wanted Albert to be my endgame and that's what happened, and his story is actually really well written. Out of all the guys, I feel like his personality is the most distinct.

But there's also some bad things about it:
- There's a huge lack of player choice in the story, you might as well watch the whole thing on Youtube.
- This also includes the character creation, like they let you create a character, and then they're like "whatever the default guy is the canon one" so half the time they show you the default guy instead of your character. What's the point of having the option, then?
- The minigames are one of the few things that offer gameplay but most of them suck.
- The English translation is bad but that can easily be fixed.
- Alex has way too much screentime even if you don't choose him, and he's particularly annoying and rapey.

Most of the bad things have to to with writing and social issues:
- It's clear to see that all the love interests have the exact same body type preferred by the creator, even though drawing other bodies wouldn't be that hard. I guess it makes it a more personal experience to not force diversity, but it also feels fatphobic in other ways, like the characters treating Quinn as fat. In his storyline your character says things like "oh I thought he was fat but he's actually muscly and sexy."
- The way the game treats Giles also feels like racial fetishism.
- Other fetishes pushed down your throat are underwear sniffing (This one is rampant), foot fetish, and incest.
- The stories are very repetitive and the characters usually act like toddlers to keep the sexual tension going until the end of their 3rd chapter (When you finally make love). The amount of times the situation "let's sleep in the same bed, but not in a gay way" happens is, well, too many times.
- Finally, there's a ton of sexual assault and other forms of harming behaviour going on, perpetrated by many of the main characters. The developers seem oblivious to this aspect of the game and you just have to less it slide to be able to enjoy it.

I played this an awful lot for someone that has barely seen any of the other Pink Panther media. The gameplay mostly consists of stealing things while chased by random characters, and some rollerblading segments, it's really fun.

An incredible leap forward at the time. Maybe the deepest gameplay of the entire series, a ton of new lore, and incredibly improved graphics.

But it's the 3D era game that I have the least nostalgia for, and the roaster and character designs doesn't appeal to me much. Deception completely demolished in terms of extra content, and it made fights more fun with more special movies, stage fatalities, etc.

Of course, what Tolkien intended with his anti-war story was for it to be adapted into a boring action game.

Gimli is my fave, but I remember that everytime I picked him he played worse than the other 2, and it felt like discrimination. Aragorn and Legolas (And Kili) are my least favourite Peter Jackson's Middle Earth characters.

This game is so nostalgic. The Shire segment is incredible. You get to walk around and talk a lot, and the night scene where you have to evade the Nazgûl is really scary. But the game gets weaker as it goes on. Moria is a chore despite being in control of Gandalf, and then the final boss is not even accurate to Fellowship of the Rings and it's the most boring thing ever. You have to shoot arrows at the dragon-thing (just like the final boss of Minecraft), and it's hard to aim, and the dragon also misses all of its attacks, so it's just kind of awkward.

I can't find this stupid game anywhere :(

It was maybe the first game I ever played in the PS2 with my BFF, and I was amazed at the graphics and the fact that if you run towards a wall there's an animation where the protagonists hits his head. I remember it fondly. I will find you, my dear.