I think all the positive buzz I heard about this was mainly just due to the connection with WayForward & the fact we got another one of the rare "pretty good tie-in games", so I think my expectations may have been set too high. This isn't a bad game by any stretch, the art direction & soundtrack are really wonderfully done if not even remotely resembling the movie it's based off of, but there were lots of little annoyances that piled up on me to the point where I just wanted to play a better Metroidvania.

The biggest, most constant hurdle for me was the very slippery controls; it always felt like a stop/start way of moving throughout the game & like I would slide off of ledges I'm trying to jump on. Obviously, for a genre the involves quick movement & tight controls this started to become really grating. Add to this very precise windows for damage & I got more frustrated as I went along. It's still a relatively fun platformer, but there were enough little issues that I'm not sure when I'd come back to it.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2024
