Urgh....this one feels hard because I feel like a lot of this is my own preferences holding me back, but so much of this feels almost needlessly clunky.

There's a ton of things I like, mostly aesthetically. I like how there's essentially no prompts for anything; the game assumes you know how video games work and that the setting is familiar enough that'll you'll know generally what to do (herbs heal you, you may need keys for chests, how to attack, etc) and this really does feel like the Souls experience stripped down to amoeba level: the spooky, desolate and hopeless environment except here mixed in a stew with really traditional and cliche fantasy elements.

It's just inherently so...clunky. The tank controls (literally, with the inverted look which I hate with a burning passion), the slow slow combat and movement; if I needed to play for more hours just to get into the groove of it I just can't. Great music though, and I praise every single one of the King's Field games for their look, I'm just too weak to continue.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2022


2 years ago

Well, look at least you assume you're weak

It's a pretty niche dungeon crawler subtype so I don't blame you. But when you get it oh boy you do.
Of those early FromSoft games, I think I'm more disposed to something like Evergrace, which is still obtuse and bizarre but I think is a little more recognizeable.

2 years ago

Oh wow, we are in opposite extremes it seems. Even though I love its aesthetic, I absolutely despised Evergrace's gameplay. King's Field follows its own canon, Evergrace goes over new strides that I don't particularly think they nailed it. I have to replay it though.

2 years ago

If you decide to give this game one more chance, you can always edit the camera controls in the menu. Choosing to look up with R2 (instead of L2, which is the default button) will also correct the camera of the right joystick. That may help.
Also remember that you can run with X and move laterally with L1 and R1.