Fairly simple but fun superhero game. Miles and MJ missions felt like a drag. Combat is great, very reminiscent of the Batman Arkham series of games.
The game intersperses loads of content across a lovely New York City, including side quests, photography spots, etc. which sucked me in, extending my time to completion.

HumveeRuin's Must-play

I'm usually not a fan of visual novels, or reading...
However, 428 Shibuya Scramble created a lovely story with multiple moments of suspense.
Plot points unraveled in tiny drops throughout multiple playthroughs of the same scenarios, but even small choices in one character's plot can have a large impact on another's.

Simple to play, easy to finish. Wish there was more variety in terms of mini games.
A great, relaxing, single player experience.

Great bland of strong, gritty, storyline, with silly, entertaining sidequests.

Start of an epic 7-game run through Kazuma Kiryu's life.