Once you're at rock bottom, the only place to go is up.

A few days after I lost access to the game on PS+, it went on a sale, it's like fate wanted me to finish it. This was my first venture into the Like a Dragon series, after a long time of being relatively interested on it, a result of its exponentially increasing online presence as a franchise.

Like a Dragon is a very strong story about honor, respect, and most importantly, finding your own worth in the world, with Ichiban Kasuga being at the center of it. He values those features on a person so much that it leads him to take the guilt for a crime he didnt commit, which is as much as I can say about the story without getting into implied spoilers.
This serves to kickstart an amazing RPG that balances both serious, thought provoking and very emotional moments with silly laid back side content, one moment you find yourself being wrapped into a big conspiracy and the next one you are singing on a Karaoke or participating in Go kart races.

The game plays as you would expect any turn based game to play like, if you have played one, you have played them all. However in this game part of the fun of the turn based experience comes from setting up job combos in your party that allow you to minmax the shit out of everything. On top of that, you cant just brute force your way through everything by spamming attacks, you have to rely on as many tools (buffs, debuffs, ailments) as you can use to get through the toughest encounters, which is something I appreciate a lot when its done in this genre because it helps to prevent it from getting stale.

The worst thing I could nitpick about the game overall is that from chapter 12 onwards it starts relying on increasing the level gap between you and the enemies too often, which could have used some more thought to spike the difficulty if they really wanted to, but in the end, it was for a very good reason

As an afterthought, I would like to talk about how I decided to get into it, which was actually quite funny. It all started when I saw the trailer for Infinite Wealth that reveals that Kiryu has cancer and, for some reason, hearing that this character I knew nothing about (except how popular and beloved he is) was gonna have to deal with that in the next mainline game, made me feel like it was about time I caught up before the game released so I could see his story through. While theres no way I can play an entire franchise of long ass games in one month, at least I wanted to play those who precede IW first, that being Yakuza Like a Dragon, and Gaiden (which I hope to get to play sooner than later).

And so, with you as a witness, random user in Backloggd reading this, I make it one of my 2024 goals to play through these series, because I absolutely understand what the fuss is all about now, and I wish I had sooner.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2023


4 months ago

Hell yeah welcome to the franchise! I really hope you like everything the franchise has in store for you, I'm actually gonna start this one soon after finishing Y6!

4 months ago

Thank you! I'm really looking forward to it, because this game already did a fantastic job for setting my expectations high, I even bought Yakuza 0 to get into it at some point this year, I've been told that one is also among the best of the best of the series.

Also I hope you enjoy Y7 as much as I did, it's definitely a treat specially if you like RPGs as much as I do

4 months ago

What a beautiful review and welcome to the franchise. This game in particular truly means the world to me and I love nothing more than seeing people experience Ichiban's first outing.

4 months ago

i only played yakuza 0 and it was absolutely amazing

4 months ago

@MugiwaraMatt Thank you for saying that and I appreciate the welcoming into the series. In retrospect, I wish I could have gushed more about the story when I first put this review out there, but my excitement was at a point that I forgot I could upload spoiler flagged reviews hahah. But anyways, I can perfectly see why this game means a lot for you and for a lot of people, there is clearly something special going on here that I dont see often in stories, and I cant wait to see more of my boy Ichiban.

4 months ago

@ximitbaka I'm very interested to get into that one in particular because of how praised it is, I will play it at some point after Infinite Wealth