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2 days

Last played

March 29, 2024

First played

March 28, 2024

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Once again the Punch-Out!! series continues to improve more each title. This really is the best one, all the attacks are visually clear and the sprites from the first two games are perfectly translated onto this one. It feels new while also keeping the spirit of what came before and as a result it's a delight to play. I guess really the only thing I can say as a complaint is that I feel like the difficulty curve is a little weird sometimes, like Aran Ryan and Soda Popinski being harder than Bald Bull and Super Macho Man, at least in my experience where I was able to knock out the latter two much easier than the former two despite the former coming first. Though, I wouldn't say the difficulty curve is bad, each Circuit feels like most or all fighters are the same difficulty, but that was one thing I felt like pointing out. Once again, what you see is what you get, so go play this game if you're interested. Overall, another very solid entry in the Punch-Out!! series and definitely the one I'd recommend the most.