I knew I'd love this game after watching so many videos and streams on it. As someone who adores indie games and loves the platforming genre, I found this to be just as, if not more pleasant than I expected. This game oozes with charm, from the random old cartoon art style to the insane gimmicks and level design. Each level offers something new and unique and keeps the game fresh but it never really gets annoying. I think "Don't Make A Sound" was the only level I actually found somewhat annoying but even that level I can appreciate especially as an endgame level. There's so many good levels I could mention, such as Bloodsauce Dungeon, Wasteyard, GOLF, R-R-Freezerator, and WAR. The bosses are also really fun and while they're pretty difficult, they're also a fair difficulty and I beat most of them in a few attempts at most, with the first boss being the only one I died to a lot (mainly because I kept holding down sprint and as soon as I realized that wasn't a good idea I beat him quickly). The OST is also really damn good, a lot of the level themes have really great music that fits really well and the boss themes are a highlight here as well, along with the popular song "It's Pizza Time" which well deserves its praise. I love the high speed platforming and while it can be difficult to grasp at first, when you get those moments where you go super fast and react quick enough, it becomes really satisfying to play. Overall, I'd say this is a consistently fun high speed platformer with lots of fun gimmicks that keep things interesting and fresh, providing an amazing experience from start to finish that I'd highly recommend.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
