Uncharted 2 improved and did everything I wanted from Uncharted 1. Some of the enemies felt a bit spongier, but it wasn't the worst thing ever. Wish Sully was present more than Chloe. The "Final" boss puts the last mission of Uncharted 1 to shame.

A better story than the second, with naughty dog further refining the gameplay. It had more variety in its set pieces and areas, which made it so you're never truly bored throughout the entire experience. Uncharted 3 had a lot to live up to and surpassed everything set before it. If you had to play one Uncharted game, this would be it.

2.5 not for the game's quality but for the memories of playing this with my friend for multiple hours after AVGN put out his video on it and I just happened to own it already. A B B A