34 Reviews liked by Ineedtequilla



"Me aductas?"

Si nunca fuiste un bebe en Habbo no tuviste infancia



Making a fortune scamming MFs playing falling furni >>>>>



Really nostalgic, everyone who played this game have the green HC sofa engraved in their memory



tira a causa
tira causinha
lambe o pito

Se você pensou que uma versão nova de Ace of Spades que fosse mais trabalhada e desenvolvida iria dar certo, você se enganou... Esse jogo não durou nem 3 meses de vida e já estava começando a ser esquecido pelos fãs. A essência do primeiro jogo era toda aquela simplicidade que tinha, ainda junta isso com uma administração porca que nunca atualizou nada do game, ai deu no que deu. Tente entrar em um servidor hoje em dia, é mais fácil você ganhar na Mega Sena, levar um raio e ser atropelado do que achar uma partida, se for pra jogar joguem a versão antiga mesmo, tem de graça para baixar na internet afora e garanto ter mais gente que nessa.

Had a lot of fond memories of this game when playing with my friends. Loved playing zombie mode where my friend and I swam all the way to the corners of the map and make a little shitty fort, and then we watched the skyscrapers of the map get demolished in the distance by the zombies, only to then get swarmed by like, 20 zombie players and die.

absolutely no idea how to play but sort of understood it a few times in my life. people are really fucking good at it

I wasted a lot of hours on this game when I was little. This game's easy to pick up, but you need to put in a lot of work to master the movements. This game encourages freestyle movement and that's awesome. The game's built in mods just enhance the experience. It's not for everyone, but you can at least get some enjoyment from watching replays from the best players.

rating chess below 5 stars is bitchless behavior

Look I don't know what happened, I went from thinking chess was boring and for nerds but now people think I'm boring and a nerd because I AM ADDICTED TO CHESS. It's just something I'm good at. For me, it's the best game to exist.

chess is really fun but damn i dont know shit, still waiting for the next update

they ran this game into the ground but it was super fun

Last played this game on 2016 so my review is probably outdated and irrelevant. I remember learning about this game's premise and being super into it. Played for about 10 hours but still didn't manage to have any fun, mostly frustration. Also, I played with friends, so I can only assume this game is worse alone.