This game is a must-play for any Mega Man fan. The rogue-lite mechanics are solid with an interesting variety of weapons, stages, item pickups, and enemies. Movement is fluid and feels great unlike other inferior Mega Man knock-offs/clones. My only complaints are that the map generation mechanics gets a little stale around the 10 hour mark, and occasionally I felt cheated by a certain section of the map by it's difficulty (sometimes the randomness gets in the way of progression, such as a damaging beam that is too high to jump over with your current build), but these are minor complaints and I was finished with the game shortly after this bothered me much. Overall it was a great experience solo, and I'm sure it would be even more fun playing with a friend.

New World had some favorable core game mechanics when everything works, but that is a very rare occurrence. With every update, there are more and more bugs, glitches, and balancing issues. Many of the problems are ones that I've never experienced in a AAA release, such as bricking brand new 3090 graphic cards, making a picture in chat take up the whole screen with a link that could make your computer vulnerable (hard to summarize this one in a few words, I suggest googling it), and not being able to use some of the main systems for long lengths of time (trading post and housing systems were down literally half of the time I was playing). I enjoyed leveling to 60 and seeing the maps change faction control as wars went on, but ultimately this couldn't keep my interest because of the lack of variety and constant game-breaking issues.


Portal Knights is a very mediocre game, however it is one of the very few games that more than one person can play locally (splitscreen) and simultaneously play with someone online. Playing with friends is what makes this game enjoyable, especially if you make use of the building mechanics and abundant items in the game to make a home base together.