Weird that Demon's Souls will never get the recognition that Dark Souls gets for starting this genre, but, admittedly, Dark Souls does feel like a perfected version.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2021


2 years ago

Admittedly there's still much Demon's Souls does better than Dark Souls, such as remaining more consistently quality throughout the journey. This remake also doesn't live up to the original game.
I prefer Dark Souls overall in terms of level and boss design, but I do agree that the levels are generally more consistent throughout Demon's Souls, with Dark Souls struggling in the back half after Ornstein & Smough.

I have not played the original game myself, since I did not own a PS3. What would you say that the original does better than the remake?

2 years ago

The gameplay is nearly 1-to-1 with the original game, but several aesthetical changes diminish the enveloping atmosphere of the original game. The music is probably the most blatant example. The original game had many more solemn or creepy tracks. Bluepoint remixed them with choirs for an epic effect. It's completely dissonant with the original game's intention, resulting in some moments not packing the same emotional punch they had before (like Maiden Astraea).
"Tone-deaf" is the term thrown around and is largely accurate. Bluepoint was insistent on how identical the remake is mechanically, but then nearly all their artistic changes are for the worse. If anything Bluepoint should have changed some gameplay sections (such as Dragon God), but kept the artistic direction the same. As is the remake is better on a technical level, about the same on a gameplay level, and wholly worse on an atmospheric & experiential level.
It all points to Bluepoint being artistically bankrupt. They're a studio that exists to remaster & remake. Their previous project was the Shadow of the Colossus remake, which also received some flak for changes to visual & audio direction. Though I would argue such changes weren't as egregious, and they also had the good sense not to tamper with the music.
Yeah, I did hear complaints that the music was not as good. Odd that they changed it considering how much people love FromSoftware's music. This does explain why I felt that much of the soundtrack was not as memorable as in the Dark Souls games and Bloodborne.