This game is far from perfect and needs a lot of TLC. Regardless, this was a good time and another set of memories made. Plot is alright but not too interesting, plays well and gunplay isn't terrible. Dialogue was repetitive and downright bad, I don't think I've ever been so annoyed by this before. The two maps are very well put together, just not a whole lot going on in them. Enemies are OK but the AI can be a bit borked from time to time. Saving your progress can also be a bit of a pain if you aren't paying attention the the auto save notification, can lose time spent, if you aren't keeping tabs on it. The co-op is fine, it's easy to jump in and out of a session but no way of currently joining one in progress. I think the shape this game was released in is a shame. Nothing can change the launch but here's top hoping they turn this around somehow, there's a good game under all of the crap.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023
