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Gonna keep it simple and to the point.

Visuals are awesome, best for an MK game IMO.

Game play is easy to pick up and remember.

Kampaign is much more enjoyable than I was expecting. Even though MK isn't really known for it's story telling.

Game play is easy to pick up and remember.

Overall, a good time and will be coming back to it on and off for the towers.

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Despite the lighter tone, I liked it and the message it conveyed.

What I didn't like was the atrocious final maze. I ran around for a good hour before I figured it out.

Final thoughts: It's Silent Hill just a bit toned down. Combat's pretty important and it lacks any. Don't always need it but its SH.

The visuals are pretty stunning for a Saturn title. Found myself running around Rondo Forest looking at the trees and admiring the reflections in the water.

Cute cast of characters, I liked them a lot.

Gameplay wise, the combat is a lacking and hit window is small.

There are quite a few bosses and they're neat but a couple were pretty busted.

OST is amazing, pretty sure I'll have it in my rotation for a bit.