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January 15, 2022

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December 29, 2021

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A groundbreaking game that has mostly withstood the test of time. This game is the perfect blend of what makes Metal Gear Solid as a franchise so special. It has great storytelling that doesn't overstay its welcome, it has great set pieces and environments that create an engaging gameplay loop. It has an extremely charismatic cast that help elevate the experience and make the player feel encapsulated in the story. It is the birth of the "cinematic" experience that you find in so many modern games today while also having engaging gameplay.

This game is the perfect balance of storytelling in any Kojima game. It explains its overall premise and plot in a way that is both intriguing but not overwhelming. You can tell that the story was a multiple-man team effort with how it keeps its story grounded but also having that sci-fi flair Kojima is known for, rather than the overly convoluted storytelling you see in later entries. You are never confused as to what is going on in the plot while also being curious with what's going to happen as the story unfolds. The characters are very iconic in this entry. Solid Snake, the codec crew, Meryl, Otacon, Foxhound, Gray Fox. Every character gets a great character arc, purpose, and are all charismatic that leads to the icon status that these characters hold in gaming culture. While later games have their great protagonists and supporting characters, they have never been able to live up to Foxhound. Liquid, Sniper Wolf, Ocelot, Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven (and Decoy Octopus) all have important roles and their boss fights characterize what the villain stands for. Each of their fights are engaging and stand out from each other that tests the players combat in every manner. The themes of genes and destiny are perfect for this game. It was intertwined with the story with the perfect subtlety; it was never telling the player what to think.

Gameplay is unfortunately where this game shows its age. There are many downright frustrating sections. The laser room to grab the PSG-1 is so needlessly complicated due to the poor movement in this game. The Communications Tower is infuriating if you're not sure what to do as it's all about gun combat in a game that does not suit gun combat. Metal Gear Rex is a trial and error fest, still the best fight in the game in my opinion even though it can be frustrating. With that being said, the level design and enemy AI encourage the player to rely on stealth. Each room is memorable and you can visualize the entirety of Shadow Moses Island in your head. The game gives the player a surprising amount of freedom for how to approach any given situation for a game released in 1998. Backtracking while annoying, is definitely overblown. It is definitely now as bad as many will lead you to believe. The sandbox while small is definitely not limited. Each weapon you obtain serves its purpose and gives players freedom and decisions to how they will utilize their arsenal in any given fight. Most players will end up using every weapon given to them in their first playthrough. The excellent thought process in the level design allows the game to age very well despite all of its inherent flaws.

Music and sound effects are also very iconic, what more is there to say. It's Metal Gear Solid.

Overall, this game is still a masterpiece and holds up well enough for any gamer. If you call yourself a gamer or enjoy video games, I think it is essential that you play this game.