Log Status






Time Played

36h 54m

Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

June 26, 2020

First played

June 19, 2020

Platforms Played


Update: After several days, I came back and finished The Last of Us: Part II in a single sitting. Upon completion, I can safely say that I was wrong: Part II is a solid game. However, it's far from perfect.

There are so many moments scattered throughout that are worth the experience, both of heartbreak and of hope. It's also mind-blowingly beautiful to the eyes and ears. Furthermore, I dig the combat. Then again, it definitely does outstay its welcome and becomes altogether sluggish to get through by the end.

As mentioned, I can't say that it's perfect; far from it. The pacing can be trying, some characters are one-dimensional, dialogue can be cringe-worthy, and the experience as a whole is simply much too long. I also ran into several bugs, a few puzzles that felt pointless, and often felt as if the narrative was trying way too hard to be emotionally manipulative. The cliches and tropes within more than once made me reach the point of laughter.

But, overall, I enjoyed it. If some content were to be cut, some quality of life issues to be resolved, and some plot conveniences taken out, my opinion would likely be exponentially more positive. As it stands, though? The Last of Us: Part II is a game I'll often look back on. However, I certainly won't always be looking back on it fondly.

Initial Review: After many hours of loving The Last of Us: Part II, I began to loathe it for a variety of reasons. Without going into spoilers, there is much to be said for heeding the old saying that less is more. The creators of this game certainly did not.

For those first hours, I was hooked: combat felt fantastic, exploration was enticing, and the narrative was solid. It felt a little soapy at times and nothing to do with romance clicked with me. But, besides those qualms, I simply found it amazing.

And then: I didn't. I felt as if a practical joke was being pulled on me, but then it kept going. And going. Until I could no longer stand it. Maybe someday I'll be able to play The Last of Us: Part II and not walk away with a sour taste in my mouth. For now, I must deal with the immense disappointment I am left with.

As a game with so much potential, brilliance, and wonder, it truly wastes it all in the pursuit of being different. It's certainly novel, as it wastes its potential in a manner that is exceptionally bamboozling and unique; a reference for the ages on how not to structure narrative nor make a point to your audience. (Original Score: 4/10)

Content: Single-Player Campaign
Difficulty: Moderate
Source: PlayStation Store
Input: DualShock 4
Display: TV
Audio: Headphones
Location: Home
Audience: Solo & Accompanied
Tweaks & Mods: N/A (None)