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Time Played

815h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 13, 2023

First played

April 20, 2021

Platforms Played


Oh boi, this game took a Reality.

I don't remember the exact date, but I first got this game around April 2021, just mindless scrolling though android play store, when I found, gave it a go, and, just like that, I was hooked.

My JRPG nerdy ass saw a game where big number go big and, before I really saw it, I've just got my first Galaxy, then an Infinity, than an Eternity. It was nice, waking up every single day, wait the app to tally my offline progress and then keep going, clicking button to make numbers grow faster and faster, bending the laws of space and time to my whims.

Then... there was wait. Five loooooooong hours, waiting for the so much expected Reality Update.

In the meantime, I replayed the game 2 or 3 more times, once on android and the other on my browser, waiting for those 5 hours to pass.

But earlier this year, somehow bypass my radar, I found that the update was finally live, and the game was also on steam. So, I replay once more.

I had plowed through the main game, up until Dilation. I was just shy from e4000 EP, when I remembered I still had my original save, from the very first time I've had played.

So, I've imported my save file and clicked on Reality and... I was a bit underwhelmed?

The first moments of the new prestige layer was kinda nice, seeing my inventory slowly filling with glyphs, each one with an interesting power up and all, but sooner I found the first Celestial.

And boi, the game became a slog: there was too long timewalls, where I didn't know if I was doing something wrong and I couldn't find any help in the wikia or elsewhere, juggling builds and glyphs, trying to speed up, even a little, but nothing.

So, slow and steady, I kept playing, trying to build enough resources to the next upgrade, just to find it didn't helped me at all.
But after Celestial #2, the game picked up once again, quickly defeating on Celestial after another. The "Achievements" sucked ass, tho.

I felt a bit of... nervousness, when I reached the tail-end of Celestial #6, because, after that, was the End of the game. And, just as I expected, it was something.

Actully, I was underwhelmed again. Everything was just another slog, with the Strikes slowing everything even more. I was honestly just getting tired.

But I kept playing, it has been so long, and the end was just so close. Just... 5 more hours. And I was... surprised?

About the 4th Strike, things started picking up again, Celestial #7 getting more and more... exasperated with my progress, the numbers exploding once again before our own eyes.

And then, just as everything began, it came to an END, the whole everything collapsing in on itself.

I became the master of the worlds, and destroyer of them.

Credits roll, and a single manly tear fall from my face, as this long journey finally, finally, comes to an END, after just over 5 hours.

Thank YOU, Hevipelle, for giving us such an amazing game.

And btw, don't think I have a mostly negative view of the game for my focus on the downsides (as all of my favorites games have them), but I felt the need to vent a bit. I really love this game, but if anyone where to find this review as a mean to help them decide to play this game or not, at least I can provide a few grounding expectations.