But I love the mazes :3

Very nice game, but way too buggy and unfathomably long.

It's an OK game, for me at least. The game felt like your run-of-the-mill God of War clone, specially a clone of GoW2, as much of the level design reminded me of that game.
Combat is fun, with many options to chose from (the Harvester was by far my favorite weapon).
The rest tho... I have mixed feelings. The voice acting can be really good at times, as with the Watcher, Samael, and Azrael, but at times... it's cringeworthy, to say the least: listen, I love some Liam O'Brien (mainly because I'm a Critical Role fan), but I felt this is not where his brilliance resides.
Although the combat is good, many (if not all) boss battles was the most rage inducing experiences I've had in a long time, not for their difficulty (I've played on normal), but the gimmick-y nature of them: all boss fights had some sort of specific requirement that felt weird, like with the Jailer, that you have to pop his 3 pimples before you can damage them (in retrospect, the gimmicks seems to involve the most recent acquisition, but felt a little odd in their implementation).
The game also have some metroidvania characteristics, with upgrades giving you access to areas previously inaccessible, but man, the backtracking felt awful, with me running above and beyond, trying to find those accursed lifestone and wrath fragments, with no idea to where to search and no indication if an area was properly cleared or not.
Story-wise, it's OK, I guess. Nothing too predictable, but nothing too mind-blowing too, but it indeed left me curious for what happens in the next installment.
That being said, I've opened DS2, and I got a RPG vibe of that game, so that was a pass for me, as I'm not in the mood for that type of game as of right now.
I feel like there's more to be said about this game, but I honestly don't want to expend time dragging on this game. I can see why some people can truly enjoy this game, but, for me, it was definitely one of the games ever made.

Cute puzzler, but it get's painfully hard.
Oddly enough, I found the Primer easier than the base game.

How could a game make me cry for roasting marshmallows at a campfire?
Easily one of the top 5 games I've ever played.
There is so much to talk about this game, and yet, nothing can be said, as we easily fall under spoiler territory.

A truly amazing game.
It's kind of slow, but I think that's a good thing, since it help you savor the gorgeous scenery.
The puzzles are simple, so you don't get stuck easily, but the hunt for the hints is what I enjoyed more.
Graphics and soundtrack are both amazing, and at times I found myself just wandering around, watching every single detail that I could notice.
Story-wise, it was one of the most touching I've experience this year.
And, for those unknowing, this game have a particular twist to the eldritch horror "trope" that many games like this (investigative walking sim) have, making me wish that many more games should explore the bizarre beauty the weird creatures of the oceans possesses.
Oh yeah, I also cried a bit throughout this game :v

This was probably one of the game that I had the most spoilers, but that didn't prevented me from enjoying this one.
Provided, I took a while to properly beat the game, probably because I started almost as soon as I finished FF6 (I had the same, i could say, burnout with FF3), but most realistically was because I as playing other games as well.
Although an enjoyable experience, there's was many times the game became a slog to play, mainly the tower defense (which I loathe) and so many other minigames that halted the progression through the game.
The materia mechanics was incredibly enjoyable, allowing me to customize my characters in any way I wanted (Red became my go-to tank/healer combo). But I found it way to grind-y. At the end-game, where you can fight the Weapons, many strategies I found involved double casting Knights of the Round and Mime-ing until you beat Emerald and Ruby Weapons, which involved a whole lot of grinding, and I wasn't feeling like doing so. So, for the first time since beginning my journey to play every single Final Fantasy game, I didn't challenge the superbosses of an entry (although I have a savestate before the end of the game, in case I feel like trying some time).
Storywise, I found interesting that you have a clear end-goal since the beginning of the game, while many other entries dances around on who is the BBEG, before revealing who they are at the final beats of the game.
Graphic-wise, it's... ugly. At least for 2023 standards. But, even with their block-y style, there is an incredible charm to the cutscenes, even becoming (somewhat) gorgeous, considering the '90s.
I have nothing to say about the music, since Uematsu is my favorite game composer ever.
So yeah, even tho I could enjoyed the game better (I took MANY breaks while playing, and it took me almost 3 months, I guess, to beat it, greatly affecting my view of this game), it was a nice experience.

Finally the final (or rather, beginning) to this incredible game.
I already knew that this DLC is a prequel to the events of the main game, but oh boi, the closure of this story presents a nice explanation to how everything begins.
As always, art and music... impecable.
The only downside was in the second case, were I got completely stumped in the story section and I couldn't complete it. Just to discover that I've missed a hint. Again (the same happened in the second case of the first DLC. Deja vu?). But I guess the hint was so well hidden, that I just didn't noticed. Oh well.
But, in the end, it was an incredible experience.
A few weeks ago, it was brought to my attention that Color Gray was trying to hire, and so I applied: although they rejected me (no hard feelings :') I am looking forward for their next releases, and hoping that that too is also a banger.


A nice collectaton, that tickles my brain (hehe). But, although it's a good experience, it wasn't great for a few reasons: 1) a large number of figments are almost impossible to see, having again and again keep checking on guides to find them; 2) movement can be too finnicky, with the camera essentially refusing to move while you are walking (although I played a little on a controller and it works so much better, but by this point, I had already beaten the game and it was just for a minigame section); and, the most "offensive" of all, 3) WHY THE HECK DO WE HAVE A SCORT MISSION AT THE END OF THE GAME?
Even with these annoyances, it was a pleasurable game to play and those downsides didn't prevented me to chase 100%, even though I had to redo a bunch of sections.
Story-wise, it was charming and nonsensical at times, but it's not too far from expected, considering that, for the most part, you have to sort out nonsensical sh!t happening with other people.

Oh boi, this game took a Reality.

I don't remember the exact date, but I first got this game around April 2021, just mindless scrolling though android play store, when I found, gave it a go, and, just like that, I was hooked.

My JRPG nerdy ass saw a game where big number go big and, before I really saw it, I've just got my first Galaxy, then an Infinity, than an Eternity. It was nice, waking up every single day, wait the app to tally my offline progress and then keep going, clicking button to make numbers grow faster and faster, bending the laws of space and time to my whims.

Then... there was wait. Five loooooooong hours, waiting for the so much expected Reality Update.

In the meantime, I replayed the game 2 or 3 more times, once on android and the other on my browser, waiting for those 5 hours to pass.

But earlier this year, somehow bypass my radar, I found that the update was finally live, and the game was also on steam. So, I replay once more.

I had plowed through the main game, up until Dilation. I was just shy from e4000 EP, when I remembered I still had my original save, from the very first time I've had played.

So, I've imported my save file and clicked on Reality and... I was a bit underwhelmed?

The first moments of the new prestige layer was kinda nice, seeing my inventory slowly filling with glyphs, each one with an interesting power up and all, but sooner I found the first Celestial.

And boi, the game became a slog: there was too long timewalls, where I didn't know if I was doing something wrong and I couldn't find any help in the wikia or elsewhere, juggling builds and glyphs, trying to speed up, even a little, but nothing.

So, slow and steady, I kept playing, trying to build enough resources to the next upgrade, just to find it didn't helped me at all.
But after Celestial #2, the game picked up once again, quickly defeating on Celestial after another. The "Achievements" sucked ass, tho.

I felt a bit of... nervousness, when I reached the tail-end of Celestial #6, because, after that, was the End of the game. And, just as I expected, it was something.

Actully, I was underwhelmed again. Everything was just another slog, with the Strikes slowing everything even more. I was honestly just getting tired.

But I kept playing, it has been so long, and the end was just so close. Just... 5 more hours. And I was... surprised?

About the 4th Strike, things started picking up again, Celestial #7 getting more and more... exasperated with my progress, the numbers exploding once again before our own eyes.

And then, just as everything began, it came to an END, the whole everything collapsing in on itself.

I became the master of the worlds, and destroyer of them.

Credits roll, and a single manly tear fall from my face, as this long journey finally, finally, comes to an END, after just over 5 hours.

Thank YOU, Hevipelle, for giving us such an amazing game.

And btw, don't think I have a mostly negative view of the game for my focus on the downsides (as all of my favorites games have them), but I felt the need to vent a bit. I really love this game, but if anyone where to find this review as a mean to help them decide to play this game or not, at least I can provide a few grounding expectations.


A quick DLC, cleared in about three hours.
The construction of the DLC is similar to the base game, as the last case is basically a wrap-up of the whole story, and it was fun to piece it together, having to pay attention to every single detail in the scenary(ies).
A friend of mine told me that the devs intend to release more of those short format extensions to the game, so I'm truly looking forward to that.