You know, it's extremely easy to think that Silent Hill is good and scary just because literally everyone who's every played it said so, but you never really understand what makes it that way until you play it yourself.

In my eyes, it's like every possible decision and coincidence made during this game's development embodied what one would imagine a game literally possessed or cursed would be. There's just something about how it all looks and sounds and feels like this is a game you shouldn't play, which, for a horror game, is a perfect atmosphere. Even something as minute as just making the world become a little bit darker was worth panicking over for me.

But what really elevates it to something beyond just a good horror game is the story, which is told beautifully. Even if you know the spoilers, nothing really prepares you for how hard it all hits you after everything you've been through. Despite knowing how it all ended, nothing in the game hit me as hard as the last five lines in the game, knowing what had happened and why it all had to.

After playing it, I agree on why its held the test of time for literally 20 years running now. And it's because Silent Hill made us happy.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
