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This is a review of the pc version and my first playthrough of the base game.

Forbidden west is a outstanding game and one of the most enjoyable open world RPGs I've played in recent memory. The world is incredible with interesting lore and things to explore.
The combat has been improved alot with a deeper more interesting skill tree that changes up the gameplay that Zero dawn lacked with its skill tree. The Melee combat is the most thing improved on with combos that are really satisfying. The story might lack that big twist that zero dawn had, but it was still very enjoyable and I liked all the new characters that join Aloy on her Journey.

The performance on pc is amazing and I think Nixxes is one of the best teams Sony has ever purchased. It ran flawlessly for me in the 80 hours I spent with the game which is rare these days on pc.
Overall I would give this game a 9/10 if I had to score it and I am very excited to see where they go in the next game.