Tunic is a game that takes the cool things from the old retro games, and brings it to the modern age beautifully, albeit not perfectly. It's one of those games where the less you know going in, the better it will be. My two gripes that bring this game down is that the combat is sustainable, but it could be much better, and some of the puzzles are ones you WILL NOT be able to figure out without googling the solution, BUT the game is fantastic and most of the puzzles are thrilling. The music is awesome, and assembling the instruction manual is a really cool way of showing the player what to do. Highly recommend this game!

Honeslty, it's fun but short. I've yet to play "Dome Keeper", so I really don't have a point of reference, and I have not played the "Deep Threat" DLC. Ending is lackluster to say the least, and the gameplay is repetitive. No point in a second play through. I enjoyed the gameplay loop (Mine, grab resources, upgrade weapons/ship/mech, fight wave, repeat) just long enough to beat the game, and I might consider getting the DLC.

In short, if you are interest in playing the game Get it on a sale, it goes below $5 very often (including at the time of this review).

A game that improves in almost every way from it's previous title, except in its PC performance (I cannot speak for Xbox or PS5). The abilities are fun, the stances are new and upgraded, and the story was captivating all the way through. I had two issues with the game, first and foremost, the performance is still hit and miss even a year after its release. Second, the ending was good, but I felt that they dragged it out a tad too long for my liking. It felt that the ending was right around the corner, then it wasn't and you still had a few hours of playtime. Not to say that it was a bad ending or they didn't add anything, I just felt that it went a little long when I was ready for it to end. Great game though, and would highly recommend playing it through, I hope to play it through a second time soon!

One of the better story driven Half-Life 2 mods out there. You play as a combine soldier (or "Metrocop" I guess) and you have to single-handedly fight against the rebellion. Simple premise, but the storyline is good, and the gameplay is rather enjoyable. The main issue I had was that I got so lost at two separate points in the game that I had to no clip my way around to try to figure out were I was supposed to go. Maybe that's just a skill issue I have, and my monkey brain is just too dumb to figure things out regularly, but I'd still recommend playing through this game at least once.

The most beautiful way you could ever play the classic game of Tetris! Everything from the visuals to the soundtrack is just absolute perfection. I find myself very regularly coming back to this game and running through a few levels to blow off steam, but often play more than just a couple levels, and rather try to set new records for myself or get as far through the campaign in a single life. Do yourself a favor and pick this game up when you can, it's an amazing experience! Only reason that I don't give this game 5 stars is because nothing draws me back for more than a week at a time every 2 months or so, which isn't even the games fault, I just wish I found more reasons to return to this experience.

I used to love this game, I think I gave it a 10/10 on steam in my original review, but honestly it gets old pretty quickly. Not that I wouldn't recommend this game to a friend, but the replay value isn't there. The community also is just kids or griefers who will kill on sight. Not that I don't want a PVP element to a survival game, I just find myself playing singleplayer or private games due to spawnkills or people being on servers for 100's of hours and killing everyone and everything. It sounds like I hate this game now, but I would still play it if a friend were to invite me. The simplistic nature of this game is what got me into survival games that I play to this day, and I absolutely love the genre, and I really have this game to thank for that! I think that if you give this game a try, you will probably enjoy it for a few hours, and will find yourself coming back to this game once in a while and having fun with it.

Simply put, this is probably the best sports game on the market to this day. I can't think of another sports game I would rather load up and play over Wii sports (Even wii sports resort or any of the mario sports games). Maybe that's just a personal preference, but this game could have shipped bowling alone and it would have been a huge hit, I feel like the other 4 games are a bonus to what you are actually getting. I do have to remove a star due to some inputs not being read or read properly in boxing or golf (maybe it was a skill issue, but I swear sometimes my swings or punches wouldn't register correctly), outside of that this game just worked and provided hours of playtime!

It's a decent game that just needs a little more development. Still pretty rough around the edges, but it is a good tactical police sim in an interesting setting. Recommend picking it up on a sale if you are interested, and it is pretty fun with friends!

This review contains spoilers

No heavy spoilers, but still thought I should put a warning.

TLDR: This game is Fun First, Story Second with great side quests, mini games and soundtrack! Outside of one issue I had with the story, this game is truly a masterpiece with amazing emotional value. I highly recommend giving this game a playthrough if you are even remotely interested.

One of the few games that has taken me on such an emotional roller coaster in recent memory. This game goes hard from start to finish, and it hits almost every beat perfectly! I say almost, because I felt that I was robbed of a very crucial part of the overall buildup in this game. Before I get to that though, let me explain what I liked.

This game is fun first, story second, which could turn some people away, but trust me; that's the correct order for this game. The amount of minigames and different sidestories can distract you from the main game for 10's of hours. I found myself regularly going to Karaoke, not because I had to, but simply because I could. I also felt that the toy car racing was an amazing series of side stories that were weird, hilarious and interesting. Some people might disagree with me, but I felt that the Real Estate and Cabaret Club side stories/mini games were really great! I would have done them regardless, but knowing you get a fighting style out of it made it even more worth it for me!

As mentioned before, the story is second to the fun that this game provides, but does not mean that it's mediocre or average. I was captivated and was constantly wondering what would be happening next. When the story was uplifting, it felt great and well deserved, but when the story brought hardship, I felt it. It hit me hard. I felt as if I myself lost something. Both Kiryu and Majima's story lines are well written, and seeing how they cross paths as the game progresses was super cool! But that's also where I have a problem with the game, so SPOILER hereafter.

I felt robbed at the end of the game. The whole story builds to a put where Kiryu and Majima's stories are crossing very close to eachother, where it always feels like the other character is right around the corner of meeting the other, but then the game ends. They never meet. Maybe that's better explained in Yakuza 1 (or Kiwami), but as a newbie to the series, I felt like the moment that was being built up was just not there. I mean yes, there is a 1 minute cutscene after the credits where they see each other on the street, and all of the sudden Majima delivers his famous "KIRYUU-CHANNNNN!!!!" line, but I have no idea why he would be that excited to meet him, since in this game he is pretty level-headed and was never THAT excited about anything, not even joining back with the Yakuza.

Honestly, outside of that one gripe I have with the game, I can't really complain about anything else. Sure, there are mini games I was not a huge fan of (baseball, majong, certian poker games, etc.), but it's totally extra and you can decide to do it or not. For every 1 mini game that you don't like, there are 3-5 mini games you probably will like. Also the soundtrack is simply awesome! Every Karaoke song is top tier, the disco songs are awesome, and just the general OST is really good!

My favorite game of all time. It takes the cool aspects of a tabletop RPG and converts them into a video game format surprisingly well! Would recommend a few playthroughs, at least once with a friend (or 3, it allows for 4 players), and once by yourself so you can take your time and not feel like you are keeping your party waiting. If you like any form of Tabletop roleplaying games such as dungeons and dragons, Pathfinder or anything else like that, I cannot recommend this game enough. The only downfall I can think of is that there are certian story elements that fall off near the end, and custom characters are kinda a waste if you are interested in the story, but this game is still my favorite one.

Been a hot minute since I've played this game, but from what I remember, it's a blast. For a game that is nearly 30 years old, it's way more than what I expected from a gameboy game. Mario's moveset is pretty varied, and the levels hold unique power ups/abilities that change from level to level. I had thought that this game was a simple port of the arcade game over to the gameboy, but that's simply not true. Besides the first 4 levels of this game, it holds very little resemblance to the arcade cabinet that this game is based off of. If the arcade cabinet scared you off from playing this game like it did for me for a number of years, put those fears aside and try this game out.

Elite Dangerous is the best space simulator I have played. It's one of those games that doesn't have a clear objective, allowing you to pave your own path and do what you want to do within the game. From mining to hunting space pirates, to exploring the depths of the known galaxy (1:1 scale of the milky way btw), this game has all the different things one might want from a space sim. I know Odyssey is a controversial topic, and I have yet to try it, so I can't give an opinion on the DLC or the VR experience. But with the Horizons DLC, this game gives you so much to do, it's well worth picking it up and giving it a go. Would highly recommend getting a small group of friends to play with you, as going at it alone can be very challenging. Next time I jump into this game, I hope it's with a VR headset and HOTUS to really emerse myself in the Anaconda I've bought and hunt some space pirates. Highly recommend picking this up even if you are remotely interested.

7 Days to Die is one of the many "Early Access" zombie survival games that have been around for the past decade or so and are still under development. While this game might not be the most unique or polished game, I still manage to come back every now and then and have a blast with my friends, whether we play vanilla or via the "Darkness Falls" mod. It's easy to lose track of time playing this game, and there is alwasy something to do, even after getting most of your skills up. Usually by the time your almost done, the developers release a new update by then with some more things to do or explore. Recommend getting this game on a sale as it usually goes down to $5 or so on steam every now and then. Definitely better with friends btw, although I find the single player enjoyable as well.

Great couch game with friends, although it can get stale after an hour or so. Then again, I have 34 hours in the game, so I obviously like it enough to come back to it and play for some time. Pick it up on a sale, would recommend!