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1 day

Last played

October 14, 2021

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I currently subscribe to Sokpop's patreon because while I may not always enjoy every single game they create, what I do love and enjoy is the spirit of imagination and creativity and Sokpop has this in spades. Here for instance we have a rather charming vignette style adventure as we join Sokpop's own Aran as he takes us on a tour across rural Netherlands, visiting ponies, art deco buildings and having a small lunch at a restaurant along the way.

Its all very sweet and Aran himself is charming throughout. Sure sometimes the language barrier does make a couple of sentences feel odd or 'unique' but that kinda makes the adventure vs breaking it. The music too is so soothing and peaceful, its lovely.

Less fun are the little bikes hidden across every single screen. Some are very easy but there's a heap of them where they just merge into the screen colour-wise. The method of dragging the screen about to see everything hurts the wrist too by the end, it would have been nice to be able to scroll around by arrow keys or by mouse gyroscoping. I also on multiple occasions accidentally skipped past a point of interest thanks to the game using the same white marker blobs for both interactable areas and areas to move along to.

Overall though its just a charming little slice of life that felt like it needed a bit more accessibility in its controls and UI.