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This game feels nostalgic for me and not in a totally good way. It very much feels like one of those dime a dozen ps2 licensed games you'd find slung all over the place years ago. Sure theres some fun to be had here but theres so many caveats and bullet points to the point where you dont really want to bother.

Sure theres a wide open map but it feels so lifeless and empty. Sure theres a wide range of playable characters but most are really interchangable outside of the odd exploration moment. Sure theres combat but its so stiff and clumsy, where you'll spend most of your time just mashing the basic attack as the strong attacks take too long and just invite damage.

Add in the usual canned dialogue whenever you so much as do a hop and add in some grindy cash/map mechanics and you've got a game that had all the potential but none of the results. A shame.

Sidenote: The pizza delivery minigame has 'THAT' music that makes me go 'PIZZA. PASTA. PUT IT IN A BOX. DELIVER IT TO MY HOUSE AND PUT IT ON MY...' before I remember im playing a kids game and I should stop being so horrible.