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1 day

Last played

July 29, 2021

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Wolfenstein the New Order and Old Blood were two total thrillrides full of action, carefully constructed set-pieces and a whole load of Nazi killing. Both however did have some issues that while not game ruining, did come close to derailing things.

Unfortunately this sequel takes those issues and expands them to the point where its difficult to ignore them. Plot cutscenes drag on, even with skippable areas, it still feels like the game often comes to a grinding halt.

What also makes the game come to a grinding halt are the stealth sections. For a game so gun-ho at times, it really forces you hard into some of the stealth sequences, especially during the Venus base mission. Get spotted? Say hello to robots and death machines swarming over you that'll drain your health in seconds. Its not fun and this is made even worse by the lack of UI assistance in detecting where shots are coming from.

Having to replay moments over and over in this manner makes what should be another 4/5 or even a 3.5 out of 5 into a rather standard 3. Its still fun but theres a lot of moments that just take you out of the action and for a game like Wolfenstein... That feels wrong.