Samurai Warriors feels like a lot of experiments from Koei in regards to the Warriors series. While at its core, this is basically a reskinned Dynasty Warriors 4, theres a lot more going on in the trunk than it first seems.

Firstly is the overall characters. Each character feels unique in a way the Dynasty cast never managed to before thanks to a heap of real personality that isn't shackled to a particular faction. Having each character have different move set styles and unique abilities really makes them worth playing as too. Having each character have a significantly altered extra costume too is very fun.

The main musou modes too also feel much more individual that Dynasty Warriors never managed. Again, partically because characters are defined across an era with their own actions forming the story vs being strung along a set faction path. Theres also different endings and alternate musou story paths available if certain conditions are met. On paper this is a great idea but in reality its a pain thanks to some of the conditions being so finicky and precise. Its not all that fun.

Also not fun is the incredibly dark graphical palette for the game. The series has never had the best draw distance but coating everything in a layer of muddy blacks, grays, deep blues/purples and such just isnt that pleasant to look at. I also have to complain that because this is based off the Dynasty Warriors 4 engine, the lock-on mechanic I hated in that game is here too. Its still bad. Boo.

I do have to mention the rather fun survival mode (Abyss/Tower) where you race through floors of enemies, bosses, traps and other surprises. Its a really fun side mode that I normally would have expected in an Xtreme Legends expansion.

Talking about Xtreme Legends though.... It again feels like Koei was locking off stuff in preparation for this as theres several characters present (like Keji) who are in the game fully but unplayable, unlocked only through the Xtreme Legends addon disc. It feels annoying for this era.

Overall Samurai Warriors is a fun experiment of a game which worked very well (hence all the sequels/spinoffs it got) but its just held back by tedious branching path requirements, muddy graphics and obvious expansion content.

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2021
