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The best Tower Defense game for me, one beaming with personality and character.

The most stunning part of the game easily is the art style, it gives each plant and zombie personality and each feels like a character in of themselves.

Moving to the gameplay, it’s quite simple but addicting, collect sun to plant plants and survive until the final wave. It’s a simple format but the amazing progression of the game makes it compelling. Usually, it consists of a zombie creating a problem, having to deal with that, then getting a plant which solves this problem.

But what makes this an actual challenge is the limit seed slots you have, forcing you to pick and choose and strategize what’s gonna work. Along with this each world provides a unique hazard or feature that changes how you play, mixing up whatever strategy you had before.

Of course it isn’t perfect. Namely, after completing the game once, you become pretty familiar with “what works” and subsequent attempts become trivial. Some mini games are either unfun or just bad, many are version exclusive to different consoles. For example the lawnmower games on the DS and VS mode on the Xbox. And many plants become completely obsolete as you progress and unlock more. Also the obligatory “I WANT MORE!!!”

Despite this, it’s a classic with most of its problems being able to be easily rectified with a remaster. It’s always on sale for around a $1 1/2 so pick it up and start planting!


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Solid game all in all, but much shorter and worse of an experience compared to the first one.

Story is alright, shorter, obviously only there to build miles character up though. Not a slog to go through at all, some people hate Phin, she was alright. But her “IM GOING TO CONVENIENTLY NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING YOU SAY SO THE 4TH ACT CAN HAVE AN ACTUAL CONFLICT!!!” moment was infuriating. Another thing to note about Phin is the fact that the game couldn’t really come up with a reason for Phin to be a antagonist for the first half of the game was funny-bad but also really shows how half-thought-out this game feels.

Bases are butchered, not only are there less of them, but no more wave system. And with how much stealth has been buffed due to miles’s invisibility, you can always just stealth and not actually fight anyone. The first game gave us stealth AND fighting, with a lot more of the ladder. This game neutered what was one of the best parts of the previous game.

There is MUCH and I mean MUCH less stuff to do, there is only 16 time capsules compared to the first games 55 backpacks (essentially the same collectible type.)
Less variety and less activities to do.
Uncle Davis’s activity was cool, even if the payoff song was terrible.

While having less things to do isn’t necessarily a bad thing, being a 60 dollar game coming from a a game that DID have those things, it’s a major let down. And it’s not like the game makes up for it in any way. (Again story, just okay.)

It feels like that they either ran out of ideas or kept some for the next game, which brings to to my next point.
In all honesty, it feels like this was going to be a dlc for the first game but then some execs went “we need Spider-Man as a launch title for PS5” so they haphazardly turned it into a full game.

Combat is still great and even arguably better with the addition of venom powers. Invisibility can easily cheese most encounters though, I can’t stress how easily the invisibility can make the game trivial if you remember you have it.

Solid game all in all, would definitely recommend you get it on sale though, simply not worth the full 60.