really fun and innovative, the only thing that is a huge letdown is the small community, just wish it was more social

the main selling point of the game is that it has "cutesy" wholesome 100 reddit humor that's the equivalent to a wet paper towel and a generic inoffensive art style that makes me want to vomit pastel colors
there is not a single compelling character, the main character is boring, not because he doesn't talk but because he has literally no personality, it has a weird side story involving radiation or some shit that tries to be dark that they do absolutely nothing with, an ending that makes no sense, and it is so boring
I'm sorry but this game sucks

pretty fun, I appreciate how weird it is

I definitely appreciate how much time was put into it more than me actually liking it as an actual game
controls are pretty bland but I'm a dumb baby who's easily entertained so I don't really mind them, writing is hit or miss but sometimes it can actually be funny, disappointing ending
I think the best part of the game is the alien aesthetic and the tv, the unique stuff the game does go for is really neat imo

really fun and unique controls, especially fun scrambling around with multiple players, too short of a game though, wish there were more levels

has everything I wish mario kart 8 had, controls are a bit complicated but when you get the hang of them they're REALLY fun and satisfying to play with

this is probably a controversial opinion but mario kart 8 is fun to play with friends, kind of boring in random online matches, and playing the normal offline game with bots is straight up unfair because of the way they're coded
there isn't really anything to achieve when playing the game besides the golden shit which is arguably easy to unlock, I'm a bit of a completionist so not really having anything to do after playing every track is a huge letdown, over all I think it's fine though

not as good as the first two but still alright as a stand-alone game