Was a good start to the series, but a bit rough gameplay wise.

Good dish until the main course of new vegas.

Good 3d sonic game, which is rare. I enjoyed it.

It was a fun 3d Mario. Good visuals and good music.

Great rhythm game that's only gonna get better with the full release.

Halo was never really my thing, but I enjoyed my time with it.

I've never beaten the original, but was finally able to thanks to the CW version in origins. It... is not my favorite, level design is all over the place, lots of unfair deaths, I don't see myself coming back to this one anytime soon. Oh, and the special stages are the worst.

Revitalized a series I truly adore.

Good battle system, good characters, good world and the MUSIC. What a good JRPG.

My favorite final fantasy.

I like the world an dark tone. Sometimes tedious but still good.