Log Status






Time Played

9h 45m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

August 27, 2023

First played

August 25, 2023

Platforms Played


Ah, Super Metroid. For sure, that's one of those games that really stuck in my memory when I first played it. From the moment Samus steps onto the Ceres Space Colony, you're wrapped up in this unique atmosphere of isolation. There ain't no music here, just this heavy feeling of loneliness, and it pulls you right into the mood from the get-go.

The story keeps going right after the events of Metroid II, that game on the Game Boy. Samus had just put those Metroids in line on her home planet (SR388), but there's this little Metroid baby she couldn't get rid of. So, she jets off to the Ceres Space Colony, and things start heating up when the colony gets attacked and the Metroid baby is snatched by her arch-enemy, Ridley. The station starts self-destructing, and she's gotta make a fast escape.

After all that crazy stuff, you finally touch down on Zebes' surface, and the whole world's there for you to explore. And here, as you explore bit by bit, you start to realize the sheer awesomeness and brilliant design. Personally, I think about how the atmosphere in Super Metroid is unlike anything else in the series and how only a few games in general can top it in those aspects.

You're thrown to your own devices on this hostile planet. Nobody's holding your hand, telling you where to go, you're on your own. There ain't no excessive dialogues or long texts. The story's built through exploration, and that gives even more depth to the whole experience.

The game's graphics are great, the environments change a lot, and the way they've been meticulously designed is something that's impressive even today. Every region of Zebes has its own atmosphere and unique style. The music fits perfectly with each of the different areas, completely immersing you in the adventure. I can't forget to mention the main theme that's definitely memorable, still gives me chills to this day.

In short, Super Metroid is undeniably one of the best games of all time, a timeless classic. A lot of folks consider this game the pinnacle of the franchise, and they're not even a bit wrong. But it's not my favorite 2D game in the franchise. Personally, I have a passion for Zero Mission.

Is it worth playing? Yep. Is it a game for everyone? Definitely not. But I think it's a unique experience. At least for me, it's been like a sort of therapy revisiting all these classics. And it's been an amazing experience.