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Time Played

3h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 26, 2022

Platforms Played


NEKOPARA - Catboys Paradise is a Visual Novel with fully voiced characters and pretty character design! There is 4 routes for each character, but sadly, there is no actual choices or different endings for any of them, so you basically just read a story that is already predetermined. All of the characters were well designed and interesting looking, but sadly none of them jumped out to me as a favorite. Usually I manage to pick one favorite from these type of games, but here all of the characters were just average for me and not very interesting.

I was also not very happy about how the main character has no written lines at all and they do her "dialogue" with nods and shakes. It comes of as unrealistic when the romancable character asks a question and the MC just nods, and then they explain a really long answer, that wasn't actually said by the MC at all. The nods and shakes were also usually unrecognizable from each other and it was hard to tell what the shake actually meant.

I think a positive thing about this game was that the characters were really well voice acted, but sadly all of the catboy sounds made me cringe really bad and I had troubles actually following what they were saying. The artwork was very beautiful however and I really liked the CGs provided in the story.

I was told that there might be a fully-fledged sequel eventually, and I really hope there will be. I hope that they will fully flesh out the characters and make them actually interesting. Choices also are important in games like these, so I hope those will be added.

In the end, this game is free, so if you are at all interested, just play it! I didn't really enjoy it that much, so I won't recommend the game, but you might enjoy it, so you won't loose anything by trying!